Ganlea megacanina
- Related Topics:
- fossil
- Eocene Epoch
Ganlea megacanina, extinct primate species belonging to the family Amphipithecidae and known only from fossils dating to the late middle Eocene Epoch (approximately 38 million years ago) of central Myanmar (Burma). Current knowledge of the anatomy of Ganlea megacanina is limited to two partial lower jaws and six isolated teeth consolidated from several individuals. Despite that limited anatomical data, Ganlea can be readily identified as an amphipithecid, because it shows all the diagnostic dental characteristics of that group. Those features include enamel with prominent crenulations or serrations on unworn cheek teeth and lower premolars that are strongly compacted from front to back.
As its species name implies, the type specimen of G. megacanina has a relatively large lower canine tooth, suggesting that this individual was probably a male. The lower canines of Ganlea and other amphipithecids show a characteristic pattern of wear in which the crown of the tooth is heavily abraded. That unusual wear pattern indicates that G. megacanina employed its canines to husk the hard exteriors of tropical fruits in order to extract the nutritious seeds contained inside. Such specialized seed predation is an uncommon dietary strategy among living primates, but it does occur among South American sakis, bearded sakis, titis, and uakari monkeys (family Pitheciidae). Adult individuals of G. megacanina are thought to have weighed between 1.9 and 2.4 kg (4.2 and 5.3 pounds), making them similar in size to living saki monkeys.
Ganlea and other amphipithecids are usually considered to be early anthropoids, the group that includes living and fossil monkeys, apes, and humans. Some scientists, however, dispute the anthropoid affinities of amphipithecids, favouring a closer relationship with the lemurlike adapiform primates instead. That disagreement over the evolutionary position of Ganlea and other amphipithecids has important implications for reconstructing where anthropoids first evolved, because G. megacanina is slightly older than the oldest undisputed anthropoid fossils from Africa. If Ganlea and other amphipithecids are early anthropoid primates, as most scientists believe, those fossils strengthen the argument for an Asian origin for the common ancestors of monkeys, apes, and humans.