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biting midge
Also known as: Ceratopogonidae, Phasmidohelea wagneri, no-see-um
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- gnat
- Nematocera
biting midge, (family Ceratopogonidae), any member of a family of small, bloodsucking insects in the fly order, Diptera, that are often serious pests along seashores, rivers, and lakes and may attack in great numbers and cause extreme discomfort. The nickname no-see-ums is descriptive, for, although its irritating bite is felt, the female midge is often difficult to find. Biting midges are usually about 1 mm (0.04 inch) long.
The larvae live in both fresh and brackish water, in moist soil, or under tree bark. The genera Culicoides and Leptoconops, also known as sand flies (q.v.), or punkies, attack humans but are not known to transmit any diseases to them. Many species attack other insects such as mantids, walking-sticks, and dragonflies.