deer mouse
deer mouse, (genus Peromyscus), any of 53 species of small rodents found in a variety of habitats from Alaska and northern Canada southward to western Panama. They have bulging eyes and large ears, weigh from 15 to 110 grams (0.5 to 3.9 ounces), and are 8 to 17 cm (3.1 to 6.7 inches) long. The tail may be shorter than the head and body or strikingly longer, depending on the species. All deer mice have soft fur, but colour varies both between and within species. The fur is nearly white in some populations of cotton mice (Peromyscus gossypinus) in the southeastern United States, but it can range from gray through bright buff, brown, reddish brown, and to blackish in P. melanurus, which inhabits the mountain forests of southern Mexico. Species living in dark and wet forests tend to have dark coats, whereas those adapted to deserts and prairies are generally pale; nearly all have white feet.
Deer mice are nocturnal but are occasionally active in the early evening. They spend daylight hours in burrows or in trees, where they construct nests of plant material. Although terrestrial, they are agile climbers. Their diet includes everything from plant products and fungi to invertebrates and carrion.
P. maniculatus is sometimes called the white-footed mouse and has the most extensive geographic distribution of any North American rodent. Found from Canada to subtropical Mexico, it lives in a spectacular range of habitats between the Canadian tundra and the Sonoran Desert; it also lives in temperate and boreal forests, grasslands, and scrub formations. Females produce up to four litters per year after 21 to 27 days’ gestation, and each litter usually contains three to five young (one to eight are extremes). The white-footed mouse breeds readily in laboratory settings, and across the United States it is used for studies involving genetics, evolution, physiology, and medicine. P. maniculatus is the primary host of hantavirus and one of the hosts of plague, and it is also one of several mammalian hosts that can transmit Lyme disease in the United States.

In the early 21st century, some evolutionary biologists asserted that the colour changes occurring in the fur of a population of P. maniculatus was one of the purest examples of natural selection. Research suggests that a gene associated with lighter-coloured fur, nicknamed Agouti by scientists, emerged naturally between 8,000 and 15,000 years ago in some deer mice that inhabited a unique sand dune environment in Nebraska, U.S. This mutation allowed some mice to better camouflage themselves against the sand-coloured background of the dunes, and it is thought that over thousands of generations the frequency of the Agouti gene increased in this population while the frequency of the gene associated with darker fur declined. Some scientists contend that the colour changes occurring in deer mice may serve as a more useful example of natural selection in action than the 19th-century colour change observed in peppered moths (Biston betularia) in England that was attributed to industrial melanism.
Deer mice belong to the subfamily Sigmodontinae of the mouse family (Muridae). Their closest living relatives are American harvest mice (genus Reithrodontomys).