- Also called:
- lightning bug
- Related Topics:
- European glowworm
- Photuris
- Photinus
- Phrixothrix
- Photinus pyralis
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firefly, (family Lampyridae), family of some 2,000 species of beetles (insect order Coleoptera) found in most tropical and temperate regions that have special light-producing organs on the underside of the abdomen. Most fireflies are nocturnal, although some species are diurnal. They are soft-bodied beetles that range from 5 to 25 mm (up to 1 inch) in length. The flattened, dark brown or black body is often marked with orange or yellow.
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Arthropoda
- Class: Insecta
- Order: Coleoptera
- Family: Lampyridae
See also list of insects.
Some adult fireflies do not eat, whereas many feed on pollen and nectar. In a few species females are predatory on males of other firefly species. Both sexes are usually winged and luminous, although in some species only one sex has the light-producing organ. Females lacking wings and resembling the long, flat larvae are commonly referred to as glowworms. The larvae are sometimes luminescent before they hatch. Larvae live on the ground and feed on snails and slugs by injecting a fluid into their prey and then withdrawing the partly digested matter through hollow mouthparts. The common glowworm (Lampyris noctiluca) is a member of this family (see glowworm).
Most fireflies produce short, rhythmic flashes in a pattern characteristic of the species. The rhythmic flash pattern is part of a signal system that brings the sexes together. Both the rate of flashing and the amount of time before the female’s response to the male are important. Some authorities feel that the flashing is also a protective mechanism, reminding predators of the firefly’s bitter taste. However, some frogs eat such large numbers of fireflies that they themselves glow.

Firefly light is produced under nervous control within special cells (photocytes) richly supplied with air tubes (tracheae). Firefly light is a cold light with approximately 100 percent of the energy given off as light and only a minute amount of heat. Only light in the visible spectrum is emitted. Some tropical members of the coleopteran family Elateridae are also called fireflies (see click beetle).
The emitted light (due to a chemical process known as bioluminescence) of such organisms as fireflies, various marine organisms (see marine bioluminescence), and a number of algae, fungi, and bacteria is based on the oxidation of any of several organic molecules known as luciferins. The luciferins are broken down by the enzyme luciferase and react with the energy molecule ATP and oxygen, resulting in a glowing light.