- Also called:
- wildebeest
gnu, (genus Connochaetes), either of two species of large African antelopes of the family Bovidae in the tribe Alcelaphini. They are among the most specialized and successful of African herbivores and are dominant in plains ecosystems.
The common wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus) is a keystone species in plains and acacia savanna ecosystems from southeastern Africa to central Kenya. It is highly gregarious and superbly adapted for a migratory existence. C. taurinus has high shoulders sloping to lower hindquarters, a deep chest, a short neck, and thin legs. It is conspicuously coloured, its coat being slate gray to dark brown and reverse counter-shaded (that is, lighter above and darker below), with black vertical stripes on the forequarters as well as black markings on the forehead, mane, beard (white in two subspecies), and long tail. The horns, similar in both sexes, are cowlike.
Five different subspecies are recognized. The blue wildebeest, or brindled gnu (C. taurinus taurinus), of southern Africa is the largest, weighing 230–275 kg (510–605 pounds) and standing 140–152 cm (55–60 inches) tall. The western white-bearded wildebeest (C. taurinus mearnsi) is the smallest, 50 kg (110 pounds) lighter and 10 cm (4 inches) shorter than C. taurinus taurinus. It is also the most numerous; more than one million inhabit the Serengeti Plains and acacia savanna of northwestern Tanzania and adjacent Kenya, the only remaining intact ecosystem within the species’s range.

The black wildebeest, or white-tailed gnu (C. gnou), is a much smaller animal (110–147 kg [240–323 pounds], 106–121 cm [42–48 inches]) and is dark brown to black with a conspicuous white tail, prominent beard, facial tufts, and upright mane. Its curved horns point forward, are 45–78 cm (18–31 inches) long, and are exceptionally dangerous. It was once one of the dominant herbivores of the South African Highveld and Karoo, along with the blesbok, springbok, and now-extinct quagga, but it was hunted nearly to extinction in the late 19th century. However, it slowly recovered, and at the end of the 20th century it numbered around 20,000, though nearly all of these were found on private ranches.
Common wildebeests, with their blunt muzzle and wide row of incisor teeth, are able to feed efficiently and in dense aggregations on the short grasses that carpet plains in the semi-arid zone during the rainy season. Being water-dependent and ever in search of green grass, they migrate when the rains end and spend the dry season roaming the acacia savanna, where there is water, taller grass that stays green longer, and flushes of new grass that come up after fires or local thunderstorms. The Serengeti gnu population usually has its annual rut in June, while migrating. Five hundred thousand females are bred within the space of a month by thousands of bulls that compete to hold as many cows as possible on small, temporary territories. The noise and confusion make for one of the world’s most spectacular wildlife events.
Eight months later most of the year’s crop of calves are born during a similarly short birth peak, between the short and long rains. Unlike all other antelopes (except the related blesbok), gnu calves accompany their mothers as soon as they can stand instead of hiding for days or weeks. This is an adaptation to migrating. The gnu is possibly the most precocious of all hoofed mammals.