gray whale
gray whale, (Eschrichtius robustus), a slender baleen whale having a profusion of external parasites that give it the appearance of a barnacle-encrusted rock.
The gray whale attains a maximum length of about 15 metres (49 feet). It is gray or black, mottled with white, and has short yellow baleen with coarse bristles. There are two (rarely more) lengthwise grooves on its throat. Instead of a dorsal fin, the back has a row of low humps along its length.
Gray whales are bottom-feeding coastal cetaceans that now occur in two distinct populations. A Korean population inhabits the Sea of Okhotsk in summer, migrating south in winter to breed off the coast of southern Korea. A California population summers in the Bering and Chukchi seas and travels south to winter breeding grounds along the coast of Baja California. A North Atlantic population of gray whales was exterminated by whaling in the early 1700s. Remains of those animals have been found on eastern and western coasts of the North Atlantic.

The gray whale was hunted almost to extinction by 1925 but was eventually placed under complete international protection and has increased in numbers since the 1940s. This recovery has occurred primarily in the eastern Pacific Ocean. It is estimated that there are now more California gray whales than in 1847, when whaling began there. In 1994 it was removed from the U.S. endangered species list. The species is no longer found in the Atlantic Ocean, however, and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists the western Pacific population as critically endangered. The gray whale is the only living member of its genus and of the family Eschrichtiidae.