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hoary bat
Also known as: Lasiurus cinereus
Why being “blind as a bat” is a mythThe misconception likely started because most bats hunt by way of echolocation.
See all videos for this articlehoary bat, (Lasiurus cinereus), migratory North American bat found in wooded areas from Canada to Mexico. It is one of the vesper bats, family Vespertilionidae, and measures 13–14 cm (5–5.5 inches) long, including a 5–6-cm (2–2.5-inch) tail; weight is about 30 grams (1 ounce). Its thick fur is yellowish or reddish brown and is tipped, or frosted, with silver. A strong-flying, solitary insect eater, the hoary bat roosts in trees, where the colour of its fur blends with that of lichen-covered bark. A subspecies of L. cinereus is the only bat in the Hawaiian Islands.