A popular pet and hunter
hunting dog
- Related Topics:
- Greyhound
- coonhound
- Afghan hound
- foxhound
- Irish wolfhound
hound, Classification of hunting dogs that is more general than setter, retriever, pointer, or other sporting dog categories. Most hounds were bred and trained to track by scent or sight. Scent hounds (e.g., Bloodhound, Dachshund) are trained to scent in the air or on the ground. Sight hounds (e.g., Saluki, Afghan Hound) were developed to chase game by sight over long distances. Hounds such as Beagles, Basset Hounds, and Foxhounds run in packs; Afghan Hounds, Borzois, and Salukis are among those that run alone. Other breeds in the group include the Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen, the Otterhound, and the Rhodesian Ridgeback, which was bred to hunt lions in Africa.
name | origin | height in inches* dogs (bitches) | weight in pounds* dogs (bitches) | characteristics | comments | |
*1 inch = 2.54 centimetres; 1 pound = 0.454 kilogram | ||||||
Afghan Hound | Afghanistan | 27 (25) | 60 (50) | regal appearance; curved tail; straight, long coat | celebrated show dog | |
Basenji | Central Africa | 17 (16) | 24 (22) | small-sized; wrinkled forehead; tightly curled tail | barkless; admired by Egyptian pharaohs | |
Basset Hound | France | 12–14 (same) | 40–60 (same) | short-legged; heavy-boned; large head; long, drooping ears | bred by monks in the Middle Ages | |
Beagle | England | 2 varieties, 13 and 15 (same) | 18 and 30 (same) | small-sized but solid; short coat | long-lived; excels at rabbit hunting | |
Black and Tan Coonhound | U.S. | 25–27 (23–25) | 60–100 (same) | medium to large in size; rangy; long ears | used primarily for tracking and treeing raccoons | |
Bloodhound | Belgium/France | 25–27 (23–25) | 90–110 (80–100) | large-sized; loose skin with folds around head and neck; eyes set deep in orbits | known for its tracking ability; first recorded use by organized law enforcement, England, 1805 | |
Borzoi | Russia | at least 28 (at least 26) | 75–105 (60–85) | large-sized; elegant appearance; long, silky coat | popular with Russian nobility; therefore, many were killed after the Russian Revolution | |
Dachshund (standard) | Germany | 7–10 (same) | 16–32 (same) | long-bodied with short legs; three types of coat: smooth, wirehaired, or longhaired | developed around the 1600s; also miniature variety | |
Greyhound | Egypt | 25–27 (same) | 65–70 (60–65) | sleek, muscled body; short, smooth coat | fastest breed of dog, reaching speeds of 45 mph | |
Irish Wolfhound | Ireland | minimum 32; average 32–34 (minimum 30) | minimum 120 (minimum 105) | large-sized; wiry, rough coat; graceful body | tallest breed of dog | |
Norwegian Elkhound | Norway | 21 (19) | 55 (48) | medium-sized; tightly curled tail; prick ears | hardy; believed to have originated in 5000 BCE | |
Saluki | Egypt | 23–28 (may be considerably smaller) | 45–60 (proportionately less) | graceful, slender body; long ears | “royal dog of Egypt”; one of the oldest known breeds of domesticated dogs | |
Whippet | England | 19–22 (18–21) | 28 (same) | medium-sized; slim but powerful body; long, arched neck | developed to chase rabbits for sport |