kangaroo mouse
kangaroo mouse, (genus Microdipodops), either of two species of leaping bipedal rodents found only in certain deserts of the western United States. They have large ears and a large head with fur-lined external cheek pouches. The forelimbs are short, but the hind limbs and feet are long. Stiff hairs fringe the hind feet, and the soles are densely furred. The soft, silky coat is long and lax.
The dark kangaroo mouse (Microdipodops megacephalus) has buff or brownish upperparts tinted with black and has gray or whitish underparts with a black-tipped tail, whereas the upperparts and entire tail of the pale kangaroo mouse (M. pallidus) are creamy buff and the underparts are white. Kangaroo mice weigh 10 to 17 grams (0.4 to 0.6 ounce) and have a body length of 7 to 8 cm (about 3 inches) and a tail 6 to 10 cm long. The tail is used for balance as the mice move across the ground via leaps and bounds. The middle of the tail bulges slightly owing to its deposit of stored fat, a unique feature of small mammals native to North America. The deposit enlarges during the summer and is used as an energy source during hibernation.
Kangaroo mice live in valley bottoms and alluvial fans of the Great Basin, where stabilized dunes of fine wind-blown sand and other sandy soils are common. Where ranges of the two species overlap in Nevada, the dark kangaroo mouse prefers fine gravelly soil. The simple burrows of kangaroo mice are usually excavated with the entrance near a shrub. When foraging on open ground away from any shrub canopy, they carry food in their cheek pouches to the burrow for storage. The mice are active only during the cool desert nights, and they further reduce their water needs by producing concentrated urine and dry feces. Kangaroo mice do not need to drink water; instead, they obtain what they require from a diet of seeds and the occasional insect. Winter is cold and harsh in the high Great Basin, and kangaroo mice survive it by hibernating from about November until March. Breeding all summer, they can produce multiple litters of two to seven young apiece.

Kangaroo mice are thought of as smaller versions of kangaroo rats. They can be distinguished by the tail, which, unlike that of the larger kangaroo rats, is neither crested nor tufted. Both groups belong to the family Heteromyidae (Greek: “other mice,” or “different mice”) and are not classified with the “true” mice (family Muridae). Pocket mice are related to kangaroo mice and also belong to the family Heteromyidae, which is related to the pocket gopher family (Geomyidae) within the order Rodentia.