kouprey, (Bos sauveli), elusive wild ox (tribe Bovini, family Bovidae) of Indochina and one of the world’s most endangered large mammals, if it is not already extinct.
Unknown to science until 1937, the kouprey was rare even then: no more than an estimated 2,000 existed in eastern Thailand, southern Laos, westernmost Vietnam, and the northern plains of Cambodia; the last named is considered the centre of distribution, where it is the national symbol. The presence of the gaur and the banteng, two other common wild oxen, may also have delayed recognition of the kouprey, which could be mistaken for either species by casual observers. The kouprey is intermediate in size, standing 1.7–1.9 metres (5.6–6.2 feet) tall and weighing 700–900 kg (1,500–2,000 pounds). Old bulls are very dark brown with white stockings (like the banteng and the gaur) and have a very large dewlap (present, though smaller, in the other two). However, the kouprey’s dorsal hump is less developed, and the tail is longer. Cows and young are a different colour from females of the banteng and gaur, being gray with a darker underside and darker forelegs. Kouprey horns, 80 cm (32 inches) long, are also thinner and differently shaped: horns of males grow sideways, then forward and upward, and finally inward. Frayed horn tips, a peculiarity of this species, develop in older bulls. Females have lyre-shaped horns half as long as those of males.
Koupreys are primarily grazers whose habitat is dry open forest and tree and orchard savanna, preferably adjacent to dense forest offering shelter during very hot weather. They leave the plains for the hills during the rainy season. Salt licks are important to koupreys. From the little that is known of kouprey social organization (there are none in captivity, and they are only fleetingly observed in the wild), it appears the same as in other Bos species. Males and females range in separate small herds most of the year but mix in the dry season. Bulls become increasingly solitary with age. They follow cow herds and seek out females in estrus during the April mating season. Having found a cow in heat, a bull forms a tending bond, in which the bull follows the cow closely until she is ready to mate—unless, that is, he is displaced by a bigger bull, as an established male dominance hierarchy determines which bulls have priority. Calves are born nine months later, before the hottest months of the dry season. Cows leave the herd to calve and rejoin a herd when the calf is about a month old.

By the late 1960s the number of surviving koupreys was estimated to be no more than 100. For the last half of the 20th century an almost continuous state of warfare and political unrest in the kouprey’s range kept outsiders away. None has actually been seen by reliable observers for many years. The most recent reported survey was carried out in 1992 by aircraft; although no koupreys were seen, the participants remained optimistic that 100–300 still survived in Cambodia’s northern plains. If well-managed protected areas were established that had the support of local people, the kouprey could possibly be saved.