moonrat, (Echinosorex gymnura), a large Southeast Asian insectivore that is essentially a primitive tropical hedgehog with a long tail and fur instead of spines. Despite their name, moonrats are not rodents, although they have a slim body, small unpigmented ears, small eyes, and a tapered muzzle with long whiskers. Like other insectivores, they have a mobile snout.
The moonrat is found on the Malayan Peninsula (south of 12° N latitude), the Indonesian islands of Sumatra and Borneo, and the island of Labuan, where it inhabits lowland rainforests, mangrove forests, and sometimes rubber plantations adjacent to rainforests. It is solitary, strictly terrestrial, and active mostly during the night. With the body well clear of the ground, it wanders with a ratlike gait along the forest floor, usually along or not far from streams. It rests in hollow tree trunks rotting on the ground, under tree roots, or in ground cavities. Running takes the form of a slow, clumsy, rocking gallop, and moonrats can easily be chased down by humans. Moonrats, however, are malodorous. Their anal glands produce a powerful scent, resembling ammonia or rotten garlic, that envelops the animal and can be smelled from several yards away. Dens are marked by secretions from the scent glands. Burrows and rock crevices on the forest floor serve as dens, as do nipa palms in mangrove forests.
Using their teeth and long snout, moonrats scratch and probe in rotten trunks and leaf litter seeking earthworms and arthropods, which are the primary components of their diet; sometimes snails, crabs, small vertebrates, and fruit are also eaten. Their sensitive snout tip and whiskers are used to detect prey, and food is caught and manipulated solely with the mouth. Moonrats readily enter water, swimming with their head and back above the surface; they also dive and swim underwater. The nostrils close when the snout is submerged. When they are foraging in shallow water, their chin remains just above the surface while the whiskers are submerged. Aquatic insects, fish, and freshwater mollusks are the most likely prey. Fish have not been found in the stomachs of wild moonrats, but in captivity individuals have readily caught and eaten small fish.

Moonrats weigh up to 1.4 kg (3 pounds), with a body 26 to 45 cm (10.2 to 17.7 inches) long and a shorter tail (17 to 29 cm). The shaggy, coarse fur is composed of dense, soft underfur and an overcoat of long hairs. The body, legs, and feet are black, and the head and shoulders are white broken by black patches around each eye and between the ears. The sparsely furred tail appears hairless and scaly; it is blackish along the first half of its length and white to the tip. Animals from some regions are all white or gray. Two litters (one or two young) are produced per year, with a gestation of 35 to 40 days.
The moonrat is the only species of the genus Echinosorex. It is sometimes called the common gymnure, and its closest living relatives are Asian and Philippine gymnures (genera Hylomys and Podogymnura). All are classified in the family Erinaceidae of the order Erinaceomorpha, which belongs to a larger group of mammals referred to as insectivores. Fossils similar to Echinosorex have been found in Pakistan dating to the Middle Miocene Epoch (16.4 to 11.2 million years ago).