mule deer
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- On the Web:
- National Park Service - Mule Deer (Feb. 21, 2025)
mule deer, (Odocoileus hemionus), a medium-sized, gregarious deer of western North America that derives its name from its large ears. Mule deer also have striking pelage markings, large antlers, and scent glands. Large bucks rarely exceed 95 kg (210 pounds); does weigh about a third less. Mule deer belong to Capreolinae, the New World subfamily of the deer family, Cervidae (order Artiodactyla). They are found from the Arctic Circle in the Yukon to northern Mexico. The smaller coast, or black-tailed, deer (O. hemionus columbianus) is found along the Pacific coast from Alaska to northern California. Although mule deer and black-tailed deer are the same species, the mule deer’s mitochondrial DNA, which is passed down through the maternal line, is very close to that of the white-tailed deer and not of the more primitive and ancestral black-tailed deer. Consequently, the mule deer is apparently a rather recent form that arose from hybridization of female white-tailed and male black-tailed deer.
Calm and inquisitive, these pretty deer readily seek out human habitations where predators are unlikely to venture. They are drawn to lush lawns, parks, and gardens and even readily integrate into city life. In the wild they frequent forests, though they prefer open, rugged landscapes. They flee with high jumps, leaping and landing on all four legs at once. Although this slows them down, it allows them to leave predators behind by quickly ascending steep slopes or jumping unpredictably over large obstacles. Their large, keen eyes and ears allow them to locate distant predators. Nevertheless, they are vulnerable to pack-hunting predators, such as wolves and coyotes.
Males and females sometimes form common herds in winter, but they segregate in spring. Mule deer are concentrate feeders; that is, they carefully select highly nutritious bits of forage. They may also consume partially rotted plants, as well as dry leaves, buds, fruit, flowers, sprouting grasses and herbs, the tips of some coniferous boughs, small twigs, and lichens that fall from trees. To foster body and antler growth, males seek out habitats rich in food even though these same habitats also attract predators. Females select secure habitats to save themselves and their vulnerable young.

Some populations undertake long migrations between winter and summer ranges. Mule deer bucks gather in fall and, irrespective of rank, frequently engage in friendly antler wrestling. Soon they join the females for the rut (early November to December). The courting male’s face resembles that of a fawn, and he even bleats softly like a fawn. He detects estrus from the female’s urine and may rush and gore a female that refuses to urinate. In each rutting season, males may be wounded over 30 times and females up to half a dozen times. Keeping rivals at bay, large males consort with one estrous female at a time. After the rut, males go into hiding to recover from exhaustion and injury. Births occur between April and September. Twins are common. The spotted fawns hide for over a month.
Mule deer populations have been restored since severe depletion by market hunting took place at the end of the 19th century. However, they are currently losing ground to the white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus); white-tailed bucks breed with mule deer does and produce hybrids with damaged antipredator behaviour. Such hybrids can neither run nor jump properly; they are ineffective in fighting off small predators and fail to flee in a timely fashion when predators appear. Elsewhere mule deer have declined due to forestry, drought, and growing predator populations; however, they have expanded in the Yukon.