- Also called:
- barking deer
- Related Topics:
- Cervinae
- miniature muntjac
- Fea’s muntjac
- giant muntjac
muntjac, any of about seven species of small- to medium-sized Asiatic deer that make up the genus Muntiacus in the family Cervidae (order Artiodactyla).
Called barking deer because of their cry, muntjacs are solitary and nocturnal, and they usually live in areas of thick vegetation. They are native to India, Southeast Asia, and southern China, and some have become established in parts of England and France. Fea’s muntjac (M. feae), of Myanmar (Burma) and Thailand, is an endangered species.
Most species of muntjacs stand 40–65 cm (15–25 inches) high at the shoulder and weigh 15–35 kg (33–77 pounds). Depending on the species, they range from grayish brown or reddish to dark brown. Males have tusklike upper canine teeth that project from the mouth and can be used to inflict severe injuries. The short antlers have one branch and are borne on long bases from which bony ridges extend onto the face (hence another common name, rib-faced deer); the female has small knobs in place of antlers.

In the 1990s two previously unknown species of muntjacs were discovered. One was found in the Vu Quang Nature Reserve of northern Vietnam in 1994. It was named the giant, or large-antlered, muntjac (M. vuquangensis) because it appears to be larger than other muntjacs, with an estimated weight of 40–50 kg (88–110 pounds). The second species, which has the distinction of being the smallest deer in the world, was discovered near the town of Putao in northern Myanmar in 1999. Named the miniature muntjac (M. putaoensis), or leaf deer, it weighs only 11 kg (about 24 pounds). Although M. putaoensis was catalogued on the basis of one specimen, others have been found in the rainforests of Arunachal Pradesh in far northeastern India.