- Also called:
- guácharo
- Related Topics:
- echolocation
oilbird, (Steatornis caripensis), nocturnal bird of South America that lives in caves and feeds on fruit, mainly the nuts of oil palms. The oilbird is an aberrant member of the order Caprimulgiformes; it comprises the family Steatornithidae. About 30 centimetres (12 inches) long, with fanlike tail and long broad wings, it is dark reddish brown, barred with black and spotted with white. It has a strong hook-tipped bill, long bristles around the wide gape, and large dark eyes.
The oilbird uses echolocation, like a bat, to find its way within the caves where it roosts and nests from Trinidad and Guyana to Bolivia. The sounds the bird emits are within the range of human hearing: bursts of astonishingly rapid clicks (as many as 250 per second). It also utters hair-raising squawks and shrieks that suggested its Spanish name, guácharo (“wailer”). At night it flies out to feed, hovering while it plucks fruit from trees.
Two to four white eggs are laid on a pad of organic matter on a ledge high up in the cave. The young, which may remain in the nest for 120 days, are fed by regurgitation until they are 70 to 100 percent heavier than adults. Indians render the squabs for an odourless oil for cooking and light; hence the bird’s popular and scientific names.