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- antelope
oribi, (Ourebia ourebi), small, swift African antelope, the most gazelle-like of the dwarf antelopes (tribe Neotragini, family Bovidae). It inhabits Africa’s northern and southern savannas, living in pairs or small herds.
The oribi has a slender build and is long-limbed and long-necked. It stands 51–76 cm (20–30 inches) high and weighs about 14 kg (31 pounds); females are slightly larger than males. It has prominent ears, and the males have erect, spikelike horns 8–19 cm (3–7 inches) long. The coat is short, sleek, and tan to bright reddish brown. It has white underparts, rump, throat, and ear insides, as well as a white line over its eye. It has a bare black glandular spot below each ear and a stubby black tail. The oribi’s colour varies with its location.
The oribi is dependent on tall grass for cover and food, in effect limiting its geographic range to higher-rainfall zones. It occurs in the northern savanna from Senegal to Ethiopia, in the coastal hinterland of East Africa into Tanzania, and as isolated populations in south-central and southeastern Africa southward to Cape Province.

The oribi is the only dwarf antelope and perhaps the smallest ruminant—that is, a grazer, or rather a grazer and a browser, as it eats foliage, herbs, and forbs when palatable green grass is unavailable. It derives sufficient water from its food to be water-independent. Oribis leave their territories to visit mineral licks, lawns of short grass created by larger ruminants, and postburn flushes of vegetation during the dry season. A number of oribis may thus gather on neutral ground. When annual fires remove all cover, loose herds of up to a dozen form, but, lacking the cohesion of sociable species, the members scatter in all directions when put to flight.
Both members of a pair defend territories of 30–100 hectares (75–250 acres) against same-gender intruders and demarcate property with dung middens in a ritual initiated by the female, whose elimination posture featuring the upraised black tail pompon attracts her mate and other family members. The male marks over the others’ deposits. He also spends much of his time patrolling and marking the territory’s boundaries by daubing the tarlike secretions of his large preorbital glands on grass stems, which are often prepared by biting off seed heads. Family members communicate with softer versions of the whistling alarm snort and with the odours from their battery of scent glands (inguinal, hoof, shin, and preorbital).
Although oribis are typically found in conventional mated pairs, novel polygamous variations on the monogamous and territorial theme have been observed. Up to half of oribi territories in an area may include two or more resident females; the other females are often, but not always, stay-at-home daughters. Much more unusual, and unknown in other dwarf antelopes, in Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park two or three adult males may jointly defend a territory. They do not do so as equals: the arrangement involves a territory owner who tolerates subordinate males. He does not gain extra females and is sometimes cuckolded by the subordinates, but cooperative defense does extend territorial tenure.
Oribis have an extended breeding season with birth peaks in the rains. Gestation is about seven months; newborns are dark brown, remain hidden for a month, and develop very rapidly, reaching adult size by one year. Adults too hide from predators. When flushed, they dash away in a zigzag, bounding run at 40–50 km (25–30 miles) per hour.