- Also called:
- bush bear, tree bear, or softly-softly
potto, (Perodicticus potto), slow-moving tropical African primate. The potto is a nocturnal tree dweller found in rainforests from Sierra Leone eastward to Uganda. It has a strong grip and clings tightly to branches, but when necessary it can also move quickly through the branches with a smooth gliding gait that makes it quite inconspicuous. It feeds on fruit, small animals, and insects (especially larvae) and curls up to sleep by day in tree hollows. Its length is about 35 cm (14 inches), excluding its furry 5–10-cm (2–4-inch) tail. It has large eyes, sturdy limbs, stublike second fingers and toes, and dense woolly fur, which is grizzled reddish in colour. A ridge of short, blunt spines formed by the neck vertebrae runs down the nape. The spines are covered by thin, highly innervated skin and are thought to be sensitive to the movements of potential predators when the potto tucks its head between its arms in a defensive posture. Gestation is six months; single young are typical.
It is now thought likely that pottos constitute several species, but in 1996 primatologists were stunned when a new genus and species, the false potto (Pseudopotto martini), was announced. It was said to be slightly smaller than a potto, longer-tailed, and without the neck spines. The animal was described on the basis of a single skeleton, the remains of an animal that had been imported from Cameroon and lived several years in the Zürich Zoo, where it had been identified as a potto. There is controversy over whether it might have been an abnormal potto. Despite the controversy, many specialists would agree that, unlikely as it might seem that such a distinctive animal could have remained unknown for so long a time, live false pottos may really exist, waiting to be discovered.
Two related but much smaller primates called angwantibos (Arctocebus calabarensis and A. aureus) live only in the rainforests of west-central Africa. They measure 24 cm (9.5 inches) long and are yellowish in colour, with a long, thin snout. Like the potto, they are tailless, but the third finger as well as the second is reduced to a tiny stub. They too feed on small insects and other slow-moving invertebrates. Pottos and angwantibos are related to the lorises of Southeast Asia; together they constitute the family Lorisidae.