reedbuck, (genus Redunca), any of three medium-sized antelopes (family Bovidae) that inhabit the grasslands and marshes of sub-Saharan Africa.
The reedbuck is distinguished by a round glandular spot below each ear and curved horns (on males only) that point forward; these horns are shortest (14–41 cm [6–16 inches]) and most hooked in the bohor reedbuck (Redunca redunca) and the mountain reedbuck (R. fulvorufula). They are 30–45 cm (12–18 inches) and less hooked in the southern, or common, reedbuck (R. arundium). The southern reedbuck is the largest species, standing 65–105 cm (26–41 inches) tall and weighing 50–95 kg (110–210 pounds), compared with 65–76 cm (26–30 inches) and 19–38 kg (42–84 pounds) for the mountain reedbuck, the smallest of the three. Males are 10–20 percent larger than females, with thicker necks and bolder markings—pale underparts and a large white throat patch and white underside of the bushy tail. The southern reedbuck has a black stripe down the front of each foreleg. Coat colour ranges from plain gray-brown in the mountain reedbuck to variable shades of tan in the southern reedbuck and yellow-brown in the bohor reedbuck.
Bohor reedbucks occur throughout Africa’s northern savanna in suitable habitats and reach high densities on major floodplains. Their range extends in eastern Africa from Ethiopia to central Tanzania, where it overlaps with that of the southern reedbuck. The southern reedbuck inhabits tall-grass areas bordering watercourses, swamps, and lakes of the southern savanna from Congo (Brazzaville) and Angola east to Mozambique and south along the coast of the Indian Ocean to eastern South Africa. Indeed, both the bohor reedbuck and the southern reedbuck are limited to habitats with concealing tall herbage near or in wetlands. The bohor reedbuck is also found in montane grassland, where its range overlaps in some places with that of the mountain reedbuck. The mountain reedbuck occupies grasslands at elevations up to 5,000 metres (16,000 feet) in widely separated mountains of eastern Africa, from Ethiopia south to Tanzania, with relict populations in Cameroon and Nigeria.

Mountain reedbucks can go without drinking as long as green herbage is available; the other two species are water-dependent. All three reedbucks depend on cover to hide from danger. They emerge to graze in the open mainly at night, although with protection they become more active during the day. Their build, with overdeveloped hindquarters, is adapted for quick starts and high bounds but not for sustained rapid flight; lacking cover, they are vulnerable to wild dogs and spotted hyenas. Alerted and fleeing reedbucks emit whistling alarm calls. Males also employ these calls, often in duet with their mates, to advertise territorial status.
Reedbucks represent a transition from a solitary or monogamous social system, as represented by antelopes that live in closed habitats such as forests, to a sociable, polygynous system typical of antelopes that live in open habitats such as savannas. The southern reedbuck lives mostly in territorial couples. The bohor reedbuck is polygynous; males defend territories that include the ranges of two or more females and their current offspring. Mountain reedbucks live in small herds of three to eight females and young within home ranges that are divided among several territorial males. When fires remove the hiding places of southern reedbucks and bohor reedbucks, these two species also show a herding tendency. Females and young then seek mutual security by forming temporary herds, which may number in the hundreds on broad floodplains where bohor reedbucks reach high densities. Male bohor reedbucks associate in small bachelor herds after separating from their mothers.
Reproduction peaks in the rainy season. Beginning at one year of age for the mountain reedbuck and two years for the larger species, females reproduce at intervals of 9–14 months, with a gestation period of seven and a half months. Males mature at three to four years of age.
The bohor reedbuck and the southern reedbuck are considered species of least concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). However, the IUCN has listed the mountain reedbuck—whose habitat has declined because of agricultural expansion and whose population has been greatly reduced by poaching and dog attacks—as an endangered species since 2017.