Also known as: Basilarchia archippus, Limenitis archippus
Learn about this topic in these articles:
- In brush-footed butterfly
The viceroy (Basilarchia archippus or Limenitis archippus) is known for its mimetic relationship with the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus). The two species resemble one another in their coloration, and both are distasteful to predators. Viceroy larvae feed on willow, aspen, and poplar foliage and retain in…
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mimicry of monarch
- In monarch butterfly: Physical description and life cycle
The viceroy butterfly (see brush-footed butterfly) and the monarch share similar coloration. Indeed, like the monarch, the viceroy is unpalatable to some of its predators. Hence, it is believed that the two noxious organisms resemble one another as a form of defense against predators and that…
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