visored shrimp
Also known as: Leptostraca
Learn about this topic in these articles:
- In crustacean: Annotated classification
LeptostracaPermian to present; bivalved carapace encloses 8 pairs of leaflike limbs; movable rostrum; telson with caudal rami; marine; about 10 species.Subclass HoplocaridaCarboniferous to present.Order Stomatopoda (mantis shrimps)
Read More - In malacostracan: Annotated classification
Order Leptostraca (visored shrimp) Permian to Holocene; carapace large, not hinged; antennae 2 one-branched, slender; terminal abdominal segment with pair of large paddlelike branches; eggs brooded under carapace; marine; on muddy bottoms low in oxygen; intertidal to the deeps; about 15 species in 3 families. Subclass Hoplocarida…
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