woolly rhinoceros
woolly rhinoceros, (genus Coelodonta), either of two extinct species of rhinoceros found in fossil deposits of the Pliocene and Pleistocene epochs (5.3 million to 11,700 years ago) in Europe, North Africa, and Asia. It probably evolved from an earlier form, Dicerorhinus, somewhere in northeastern Asia, entered the European region, and became extinct at the end of the most recent ice age. The animal was massive, with two large horns toward the front of the skull, and was covered with a thick coat of hair.
The woolly rhinoceros was also present in more temperate, nonglacial regions, where it inhabited grasslands. It was a popular subject for Stone Age painters and sculptors; their representations of the woolly rhinoceros, some of which are very accurate, are known from several localities—including Chauvet–Pont d’Arc in France, whose woolly rhinoceros illustrations date to between 33,000 and 30,000 years ago. Woolly rhinoceroses remained in northern Eurasia until at least 18,500 years ago, and scientific evidence suggests that they were not hunted to extinction by human beings. Rather, they likely died out from sudden climate changes brought on during the Bølling-Allerød interstadial, an interval that saw the rapid retreat of the Pleistocene ice sheets beginning about 14,700 years ago.
Most known specimens are represented by frozen carcasses discovered in Siberia and other carcasses preserved in oil seeps in central Europe; they have been grouped into Coelodonta antiquitatis. However, the oldest known specimen, which was found on the Plateau of Tibet in 2007 and dated to 3.6 million years ago, has been placed in C. thibetana.