Japanese art
Also known as: dakkatsu kanshitsu, hollow kanshitsu
Learn about this topic in these articles:
method of kanshitsu
- In kanshitsu
…two varieties: hollow kanshitsu (called dakkatsu), made by preparing the rough shape with clay and covering the surface with lacquered hemp cloth, the clay being subsequently removed to leave the inside hollow; and wood-core kanshitsu (mokushin), in which a hemp-cloth coating is applied over a core carved of wood. Vessels…
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technique of lacquerwork
- In Japanese art: Sculpture
…the hollow-core dry-lacquer technique (dakkatsu kanshitsu) of sculpture, which was developed in China and enjoyed a sudden florescence in the Nara period. The technique required the creation of a rough clay-sculpted model on a wooden armature. This form was then covered with successive layers of lacquer-soaked hemp, each of…
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