point of view
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- narrative
point of view, in literature, the vantage point from which a story is presented.
A common point of view is the omniscient, in which, in the third person grammatically, the author presents a panoramic view of both the actions and the inner feelings of the characters; the author’s own comments on developments may also appear within the narrative. Another type of third-person point of view is presented from the limited standpoint of one of the major or minor characters in the story who is not omniscient and who usually presents a markedly partial view of narrative events.
In a first-person narrative, the “I” point of view is most often that of the character in the story who best serves the author’s purpose. Thus, the practical and matter-of-fact first-person narrator Lemuel Gulliver lends an aura of credibility to the fantastic adventures in Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels (1726). A naive first-person narrator is unaware of the import of the events he relates.

In the late 19th century, point of view became a matter of critical importance, notably in the prefaces of Henry James. The omniscient, intrusive point of view came to be frowned upon as destructive of the novel’s illusion of reality, although many of the great masters of the novel—Henry Fielding, George Eliot, Charles Dickens, Honoré de Balzac, and Leo Tolstoy—themselves deployed this point of view. By the early 20th century, novelists were shifting between different points of view within the same work, as in William Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury (1929), which is structured around three first-person narratives followed by a final section related in the third person, and Carlos Fuentes’s La muerte de Artemio Cruz (1962; The Death of Artemio Cruz), which uses all three grammatical persons. The presentation of point of view, especially the combination of points of view, provides the contemporary novel with the means for suggesting the fluid, unreliable conditions of modern existence.