Abraham Gottlob Werner
Abraham Gottlob Werner (born Sept. 25, 1750, Wehrau, Saxony—died June 30, 1817, Freiberg) was a German geologist who founded the Neptunist school, which proclaimed the aqueous origin of all rocks, in opposition to the Plutonists, or Vulcanists, who argued that granite and many other rocks were of igneous origin. Werner rejected uniformitarianism (belief that geological evolution has been a uniform and continuous process).
A member of an old iron-mining family, Werner worked with his father for five years in the ironworks at Wehrau and Lorzendorf. In 1775 he was appointed inspector and teacher in the Freiburg School of Mining. During his 40-year tenure, the school grew from a local academy into a world-renowned centre of scientific learning. Werner was a brilliant lecturer and a man of great charm, and his genius attracted students who, inspired by him, became the foremost geologists of Europe.
A distinguishing feature of Werner’s teaching was the care with which he taught the study of rocks and minerals and the orderly succession of geological formations, a subject that he called geognosy. Influenced by the works of Johann Gottlob Lehmann and Georg Christian Füchsel, Werner demonstrated that the rocks of the Earth are deposited in a definite order. Although he had never travelled, he assumed that the sequence of the rocks he observed in Saxony was the same for the rest of the world. He believed that the Earth was once completely covered by the oceans and that, with time, all the minerals were precipitated out of the water into distinct layers, a theory known as Neptunism.

Because this theory did not allow for a molten core, he proposed that volcanoes were recent phenomena caused by the spontaneous combustion of underground coal beds. He asserted that basalt and similar rocks were accumulations of the ancient ocean, whereas other geologists recognized them as igneous minerals. It was primarily disagreement on this point that formed one of the great geological controversies.
Werner wrote only 26 scientific works, most of them short contributions to journals. His aversion to writing grew, and finally he adopted the practice of storing his mail unopened. Elected a foreign member of the Académie des Sciences in 1812, he learned of the honour much later, when he happened to read about it in a journal. In spite of his failure to produce extensive geological writings, Werner’s theories were faithfully adopted and widely spread by his loyal students. Even though many of them eventually discarded his Neptunist theories, they would not publicly renounce them while Werner still lived.