Alain Connes
- Born:
- April 1, 1947, Draguignan, France (age 77)
- Awards And Honors:
- Fields Medal
Alain Connes (born April 1, 1947, Draguignan, France) is a French mathematician who won the Fields Medal in 1982 for his work in operator theory.
Connes received a bachelor’s degree (1970) and a doctorate (1973) from the École Normale Supérieure (now part of the University of Paris). He held appointments at the National Centre for Scientific Research, Paris (1970–74 and 1981–84); Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada (1975); the University of Paris VI (1976–80); the Institute of Advanced Scientific Studies, Bures-sur-Yvette, France (1979– ); the Collège de France, Paris (1984–2017); Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, U.S. (2003–11); and the Ohio State University (2012–20), Columbus.
Connes received the Fields Medal at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Warsaw in 1983. The study of von Neumann algebras—i.e., special algebras of all bounded linear operators on a Hilbert space—began in the 1930s, when their factors were classified, although technical problems remained open until the late ’60s, when there was a resurgence of interest. Connes unified a number of concepts in the area that had earlier been considered disparate. He also worked on the application of operator algebras to differential geometry, developing an index theorem analogous to the well-known Atiyah-Singer index theorem which characterizes the number of solutions for an elliptic differential equation. His work on noncommutative geometry applies operator theory to produce novel geometries. Connes’s later work had significant and deep implications in ergodic theory (the study of systems whose final state is independent of their initial state).

Connes’s publications included Géométrie non commutative (1990; Noncommutative Geometry), Operator Algebras, Unitary Representations, Enveloping Algebras, and Invariant Theory (1990), and, with Jean-Pierre Changeux, Conversations on Mind, Matter, and Mathematics (1995). He served as editor for the Journal of Functional Analysis, Inventiones Mathematicae, Communications in Mathematical Physics, Journal of Operator Theory, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, Letters in Mathematical Physics, K-theory, Selecta Mathematica, Publications Mathématiques de l’I.H.E.S., Advances in Mathematics, and the Journal of Noncommutative Geometry.
Connes was elected to the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences (1980), the French Academy of Sciences (1983), the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1990), the Norwegian Academy of Science (1993), the Royal Society of Canada (1996), the U.S. National Academy of Sciences (1997), and the Russian Academy of Sciences (2003).
In addition to the Fields Medal, Connes was awarded the Aimé Berthé Prize of the French Academy of Sciences (1975), the Peccot-Vimont Prize of the Collège de France (1976), the CNRS Silver Medal (1977), the Ampère Prize of the French Academy of Sciences (1980), the Clay Research Award (2000), and the Crafoord Prize of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (2001).