Alexandre Grothendieck
- Died:
- November 13, 2014, Saint-Girons, France (aged 86)
- Awards And Honors:
- Fields Medal (1966)
Alexandre Grothendieck (born March 28, 1928, Berlin, Germany—died November 13, 2014, Saint-Girons, France) was a German French mathematician who was awarded the Fields Medal in 1966 for his work in algebraic geometry.
After studies at the University of Montpellier (France) and a year at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris, Grothendieck received his doctorate from the University of Nancy (France) in 1953. After appointments at the University of São Paulo in Brazil and the University of Kansas and Harvard University in the United States, he accepted a position at the Institute of Advanced Scientific Studies, Bures-sur-Yvette, France, in 1959. He left in 1970, eventually settling at the University of Montpellier, from which he retired in 1988.
Grothendieck was awarded the Fields Medal at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Moscow in 1966. During the 19th and early 20th centuries there was an enormous growth in the area of algebraic geometry, largely through the tireless efforts of numerous Italian mathematicians. But a more abstract point of view emerged in the mid 20th century, and a great deal of the change is due to the work of Grothendieck, who built on the mathematical work of André Weil, Jean-Pierre Serre, and Oscar Zariski. Using category theory and ideas from topology, he reformulated algebraic geometry so that it applies to commutative rings (such as the integers) and not merely fields (such as the rational numbers) as hitherto. This enabled geometric methods to be applied to problems in number theory and opened up a vast field of research. Among the most notable resulting advances were Gerd Faltings’s work on the Mordell conjecture and Andrew Wiles’s solution of Fermat’s last theorem.

Grothendieck’s publications include Produits tensoriels topologiques et espaces nucléaires (1955; “Topological Tensor Products and Nuclear Spaces”); with Jean A. Dieudonné, Éléments de géométrie algébrique (1960; “Elementary Algebraic Geometry”); and Espaces vectoriels topologiques (1973; “Topological Vector Spaces”). A Festschrift containing articles in honour of Grothendieck’s 60th birthday was published in 1990. Late in his career Grothendieck developed a strong interest in political action; his memoir, Récoltes et semailles (1985; “Reaping and Sowing”), is largely concerned with subjects other than mathematics.