Bess Truman
- Née:
- Elizabeth Virginia Wallace
- Born:
- February 13, 1885, Independence, Missouri, U.S.
- Died:
- October 18, 1982, Independence, Missouri (aged 97)
- Title / Office:
- first lady (1945-1953)
- Notable Family Members:
- daughter Margaret Truman
Bess Truman (born February 13, 1885, Independence, Missouri, U.S.—died October 18, 1982, Independence, Missouri) was an American first lady (1945–53), the wife of Harry S. Truman, 33rd president of the United States.
Bess Wallace, the daughter of David Wallace, a local politician, and Margaret Gates Wallace, came from one of the wealthiest and most prominent families in Independence, Missouri. Like her three brothers, Wallace attended local public schools, and she met Harry Truman when both were in elementary school. He was evidently smitten with her from the start, and their courtship lasted many years.
After graduating from high school in 1901, Wallace enrolled in Miss Barstow’s Finishing School for Girls in Kansas City, Missouri. In 1903 her father committed suicide, leaving his widow to depend on her parents for financial help. The far larger effect of the suicide, however, was psychological, and Wallace developed an inordinate desire for privacy that would cause problems for her in the White House. Her immense sense of family responsibility brought her back to Independence, where she lived with her mother and became an outstanding athlete, especially in tennis.

Bess Wallace and Harry Truman were married on June 28, 1919. Harry Truman started a haberdashery store with an old army friend, but the business went bankrupt in 1922. In the same year he entered politics (despite his wife’s misgivings about politicians), winning a seat as judge of Jackson county. Following several miscarriages, Bess Truman gave birth to their only child, Margaret Truman, in 1924. Like most political wives at the time, Bess Truman stayed in the background and took no public part in his campaigns except, as she said, to see that her hat was “on straight.” Behind the scenes, she acted as secretary and assistant and helped to write speeches.
When Harry Truman was elected vice president in 1944, Bess Truman was still unknown around Washington, D.C. Her anonymity suddenly disappeared in April 1945, when she became first lady and her husband became president following the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt. The long tenure and social activism of her predecessor, Eleanor Roosevelt, had set a daunting precedent, but Bess Truman was determined to handle the job differently. She refused to hold press conferences, and, after she finally agreed to answer questions in writing, she often did so with a firm “no comment.” White House employees judged the Trumans one of the most close-knit families ever to occupy the mansion, dubbing them the “three musketeers.” Although she did not take an active public role as first lady, she often acted privately as one of the president’s chief advisers, and after he left office President Truman claimed that his wife had been a “full partner in all my transactions.” Margaret Truman painted a different picture, however, writing later that her mother occasionally felt shut out of some of the presidents most important decisions.
In 1949, when it became clear that the White House was in need of significant repairs, Bess Truman favored renovation rather than the construction of an entirely new house, which would have been a cheaper option. For three years the Trumans lived in Blair House (the president’s guest house) while the interior of the White House was gutted and reconstructed. In March 1952, when television reporters requested a tour of the mansion, it was the president rather than the shy first lady who showed them around.
Retiring to their home in Independence, the Trumans had less to do with politics than with their grandchildren and friends. After her death Bess Truman was buried beside her husband at the Harry S. Truman Library and Museum in Independence. For his unpretentious wife, he had already specified her epitaph: First Lady of the U.S., 1945–1953.