Charles Churchill
- Born:
- February 1731, London, Eng.
- Notable Works:
- “The Rosciad”
Charles Churchill (born February 1731, London, Eng.—died Nov. 4, 1764, Boulogne, France) was an English poet noted for his lampoons and polemical satires written in heroic couplets.
Churchill was educated at Westminster School. Although he was delayed in taking orders by an early and imprudent marriage, he was ordained in 1756 and, in 1758, on his father’s death, succeeded him as curate of a Westminster parish. In 1761 or 1762 he became friends with the champion of liberty of the press, John Wilkes, and his collaboration with Wilkes thereafter earned him an honourable place in the history of parliamentary democracy and civil liberties. But he won his fame independently in 1761 with The Rosciad, a satire on the London stage that named every prominent actor of the day unfavourably, except David Garrick; the brilliant and immediate success of this poem brought recognition and money to the bankrupt parson, and Churchill launched himself on the town and indulged his profligate tastes. By June 1762 he was separated from his wife.
He resigned his clerical position and in 1763 published The Prophecy of Famine, the first of several political satires attacking the government; a quarrel with the artist William Hogarth produced Churchill’s Epistle to William Hogarth in June 1763, and he attacked the novelist Tobias Smollett in The Author (1763). He gave new cause for scandal that year by an elopement. In 1764, when Wilkes was outlawed and in France, Churchill defended him in The Duellist and wrote The Candidate and other poems. He traveled to Boulogne to join Wilkes but, weakened by disease and dissipation, fell ill and died there.

Churchill’s poetry is compiled in Poetical Works (1956), edited by Douglas Grant.