Charles Hartshorne
- Born:
- June 5, 1897, Kittanning, Pennsylvania, U.S.
Charles Hartshorne (born June 5, 1897, Kittanning, Pennsylvania, U.S.—died October 10, 2000, Austin, Texas) was an American philosopher, theologian, and educator known as the most influential proponent of a “process philosophy,” which considers God a participant in cosmic evolution.
The descendant of Quakers and son of an Episcopalian minister, Hartshorne attended Haverford College before serving as a medical orderly in World War I. He completed his undergraduate education at Harvard University, where he also earned a doctorate in philosophy in 1923. Hartshorne studied in Germany (1923–25), where he met Martin Heidegger and Edmund Husserl. He returned to lecture at Harvard (1925–28), after which he taught philosophy at the University of Chicago (1928–55) and at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia (1955–62). He then taught in the department of philosophy at the University of Texas at Austin until his retirement in 1978, after which he was an emeritus professor for many years. A successful educator of several generations of students, he was noted for his good humour and abstinence from tobacco, alcohol, and caffeine. He also served as president of the American Philosophical Association and the Metaphysical Society of America.
While at Harvard, Hartshorne was influenced by the ideas of two important philosophers, Charles Sanders Peirce and Alfred North Whitehead. With Paul Weiss, Hartshorne edited the work of Peirce, the American Pragmatist and logician, in six volumes that helped establish Peirce’s reputation as one of America’s most original and versatile thinkers. Hartshorne’s work was also shaped by Whitehead, his friend and mentor. He adapted Whitehead’s philosophy into a creative variation of metaphysics, which came to be known as “process theology” or, as Hartshorne called it, “panentheism” (“all in God”). In Hartshorne’s philosophy, God’s perfection is seen in the evolution and the creativity of living beings, and God is conceived as dualistic—both free and unfree, conscious and unconscious, and eternal and temporal. He did not think of God as strictly unchanging, therefore, but held that God was involved with humans in an ongoing process.

Hartshorne was also engaged with the work of a third prominent thinker, St. Anselm of Canterbury. Although not convinced that it provided definitive proof, he defended Anselm’s ontological argument of God’s existence. He believed that the argument needed support from natural theology, and he developed a more subtle understanding of Anselm’s argument. Hartshorne’s attention to Anselm may have helped inspire interest in the medieval theologian in the second half of the 20th century.
The subject of a volume in the Library of Living Philosophers series, Hartshorne wrote many books over his long and distinguished career. His principal works include Beyond Humanism (1937), The Divine Relativity (1948), Reality as Social Process (1953), The Logic of Perfection (1962), Aquinas to Whitehead: Seven Centuries of Metaphysics of Religion (1976), Omnipotence and Other Theological Mistakes (1983), and Creativity in American Philosophy (1984). His autobiography, The Darkness and the Light, was published in 1990. He also wrote a celebrated book on ornithology, Born to Sing: An Interpretation and World Survey of Bird Song (1973), which argued that some species of birds sing for pleasure.