Coretta Scott King
- Née:
- Coretta Scott
- Died:
- January 30, 2006, Rosarito, Mexico (aged 78)
- Notable Family Members:
- spouse Martin Luther King, Jr.
What is Coretta Scott King best known for?
When was Coretta Scott King born?
Where was Coretta Scott King educated?
Who were Coretta Scott King’s children?
When did Coretta Scott King die?
Coretta Scott King (born April 27, 1927, Marion, Alabama, U.S.—died January 30, 2006, Rosarito, Mexico) was an American civil rights activist who was the wife of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Coretta Scott graduated from Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio, and in 1951 enrolled at the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston. While working toward a degree in voice, she met Martin Luther King, Jr., then a graduate theology student at Boston University. They were married in 1953 and had four children.
After both had completed their studies, the Kings moved to Montgomery, Alabama, where Martin Luther King had accepted a position as pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church. Coretta Scott King joined her husband in civil rights activism in the 1950s and ’60s, taking part in the Montgomery bus boycott (1955) and efforts to pass the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Following the assassination of her husband in 1968 and the conviction of James Earl Ray for the murder, she continued to be active in the civil rights movement. She founded in Atlanta the Martin Luther King, Jr., Center for Nonviolent Social Change (commonly known as the King Center), which was led at the turn of the 21st century by her son Dexter. The family’s attempt to sell portions of King’s papers brought her criticism in the late 1990s. She wrote a memoir, My Life with Martin Luther King, Jr. (1969), and edited, with her son Dexter, The Martin Luther King, Jr., Companion: Quotations from the Speeches, Essays, and Books of Martin Luther King, Jr. (1998). The posthumous memoir My Life, My Love, My Legacy (2017) was based on 30 years of interviews with journalist Barbara Reynolds.
In 1969 she established an annual Coretta Scott King Award to honour an African American author of an outstanding text for children, and in 1979 a similar award was added to honour an outstanding African American illustrator.
In February 2017, more than a decade after her death, Coretta Scott King was again at the centre of American national discussion when a statement that she had provided to the U.S. Senate in 1986 opposing the nomination of Jeff Sessions to a federal court judgeship was read on the Senate floor by Sen. Elizabeth Warren during debate on Sessions’s nomination as U.S. attorney general. Warren was formally rebuked—and prevented from reading the rest of King’s letter—for having violated a seldom-used rule that prohibited senators from impugning the conduct or motives of other senators during debate. In expressing her assessment of Sessions’s role as U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Alabama, King wrote, in part,
Mr. Sessions has used the awesome power of his office to chill the free exercise of the vote by black citizens in the district he now seeks to serve as a federal judge.