Daisy Bates
- In full:
- Daisy Gatson Bates
- Née:
- Daisy Lee Gatson
- Died:
- November 4, 1999, Little Rock, Arkansas
- Notable Family Members:
- spouse Lucius Christopher Bates
Daisy Bates (born 1914?, Huttig, Arkansas, U.S.—died November 4, 1999, Little Rock, Arkansas) was an American journalist and civil rights activist who withstood economic, legal, and physical intimidation to champion racial equality, most notably in the integration of public schools in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Daisy Gaston was adopted as a baby after her mother’s murder and her father’s subsequent flight for his own safety before prosecution of the three white men suspected of the murder could begin. She attended Huttig’s segregated public schools, where she experienced firsthand the poor conditions under which Black students were educated. In 1941 she married L.C. Bates, an insurance salesman and former journalist, and together they moved to Little Rock.
In 1942 she joined her husband on the weekly newspaper he had launched the previous year, the Arkansas State Press. The newspaper focused on the need for social and economic improvements for the Black residents of the state and became known for its fearless reporting of acts of police brutality against Black soldiers from a nearby army camp. The Bateses’ insistence on publicizing such information led many white business owners to cease placing advertisements in their paper. Despite the loss of revenue, the couple continued to produce their publication.

As a public and highly vocal supporter of many of the programs of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Bates was selected in 1952 to serve as the president of the state conference of the organization’s Arkansas branch. After the U.S. Supreme Court deemed segregation unconstitutional in 1954, she led the NAACP’s protest against the Little Rock school board’s plan for slow integration of the public schools and pressed instead for immediate integration. She personally began taking Black children to the white public schools, accompanied by newspaper photographers who recorded each instance when the children were refused admission. This intense pressure induced the school board to announce its plan to commence desegregation at Central High School in September 1957. Bates and nine of the Black students who were chosen to enroll at the high school withstood attempts at intimidation by the white opposition in Little Rock, which included rallies, legal action, threats, and acts of violence. Several attempts at integration failed, and the Black students were not allowed to enter the school despite a court order. Finally, on September 25, the day after President Dwight D. Eisenhower ordered all Arkansas National Guard units and 1,000 paratroopers to enforce integration of the school, Bates and the students were escorted safely into the school. She continued to be an advocate for the students throughout their time at the school.
The Bateses were forced to close the Arkansas State Press in 1959. Daisy Bates published her autobiography, The Long Shadow of Little Rock, in 1962. In the next few years she worked for the Democratic National Committee’s voter education drive and for President Lyndon B. Johnson’s antipoverty programs in Washington, D.C. After suffering a stroke in 1965, she returned to her home state and in 1968 began working for a community revitalization project in Mitchellville, Arkansas. She resurrected the Arkansas State Press in 1984 but sold it several years later. Bates maintained her involvement in numerous community organizations and received numerous honours for her contribution to the integration of Little Rock’s schools.