Damascius (born ad 480—died c. 550) was a Greek Neoplatonist philosopher and last in the succession of Platonic scholars at the Greek Academy at Athens, which was founded by Plato about 387 bc.
A pupil and close friend of the Greek philosopher Isidore of Alexandria, whose biography he wrote, Damascius became head of the Academy about 520 and was still in office when the Christian emperor Justinian closed it, along with other pagan schools, in 529. Damascius, with six other members of the Academy, went to Persia to serve the court of King Khosrow I. By a clause in the treaty of 533 between Justinian and Khosrow, however, the scholars were allowed to return to Athens, where they found the attitude toward philosophy to be more congenial than at the Persian court.
The chief surviving work of Damascius, Aporiai kai lyseis peri tōn prōtōn archōn (Problems and Solutions About the First Principles), elaborates the comprehensive system of the Neoplatonist thinker Proclus. Despite its retention of Athenian Neoplatonism’s hairsplitting logic and theosophical fantasy, Damascius’ work opens the way to genuine mysticism by his insistence that human speculation can never attain to the ineffable first principle. Unwilling even to call this principle by the customary name, “the One,” Damascius declared that men cannot adequately describe its relation to derived reality. This first principle is beyond the reach of human thought and language and is utterly outside the hierarchy of reality. Because it is outside, everything, and particularly the soul of man, can participate in it directly and without intermediary, though in an unspeakably mysterious way. Though a pagan, Damascius thus pointed the way to later Christian mystics.