Daniel Gray Quillen
Daniel Gray Quillen (born June 27, 1940, Orange, N.J., U.S.—died April 30, 2011, Gainesville, Fla.) was an American mathematician who was awarded the Fields Medal in 1978 for contributions to algebraic K-theory.
Quillen attended Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. (Ph.D., 1969), and held appointments at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1973–88) and the Mathematical Institute of Oxford (Eng.) University (1984–2006).
Quillen was awarded the Fields Medal at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Helsinki, Fin., in 1978. In addition to Quillen’s application of geometric and topological techniques to the study of algebraic K-theory, he made contributions in topology to the cobordism theory of René Thom, and in 1976 he solved a well-known problem that had been posed 20 years earlier by Jean-Pierre Serre concerning the structure of certain abstract mathematical spaces. He showed that many of the highly generalized spaces that were developed so extensively in 20th-century mathematics can be developed from elementary components, dimension by dimension.

Quillen’s publications include Homotopical Algebra (1967) and, edited with Graeme B. Segal and Sheung Tsun Tsou, The Interface of Mathematics and Particle Physics (1990).