Edward L. Tatum
- In full:
- Edward Lawrie Tatum
- Born:
- Dec. 14, 1909, Boulder, Colo., U.S.
- Died:
- Nov. 5, 1975, New York, N.Y. (aged 65)
- Awards And Honors:
- Nobel Prize
- Subjects Of Study:
- bacteria
- mold
- mutation
- one gene–one enzyme hypothesis
- yeast
Edward L. Tatum (born Dec. 14, 1909, Boulder, Colo., U.S.—died Nov. 5, 1975, New York, N.Y.) was an American biochemist who helped demonstrate that genes determine the structure of particular enzymes or otherwise act by regulating specific chemical processes in living things. His research helped create the field of molecular genetics and earned him (with George Beadle and Joshua Lederberg) the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1958.
Tatum earned his doctorate from the University of Wisconsin in 1934. As a research associate at Stanford University (1937–41), Tatum collaborated with Beadle in an attempt to confirm the following concepts: all biochemical processes in all organisms are ultimately controlled by genes; all these processes are resolvable into series of individual sequential chemical reactions (pathways); each reaction is in some way controlled by a single gene; and the mutation of a single gene results only in an alteration in the ability of the cell to carry out a single chemical reaction.
At Stanford, Tatum and Beadle used X rays to induce mutations in strains of the pink bread mold Neurospora crassa. They found that some of the mutants lost the ability to produce an essential amino acid or vitamin. Tatum and Beadle then crossed these strains with normal strains of the mold and found that their offspring inherited the metabolic defect as a recessive trait, thereby proving that the mutations were in fact genetic defects. Their research showed that when a genetic mutation can be shown to affect a specific chemical reaction, the enzyme catalyzing that reaction will be altered or missing. Thus, they showed that each gene in some way determines the structure of a specific enzyme (the one-gene–one-enzyme hypothesis).

As a professor at Yale University (1945–48), Tatum successfully applied his methods of inducing mutations and studying biochemical processes in Neurospora to bacteria. With Lederberg, he discovered the occurrence of genetic recombination, or “sex,” between Escherichia coli bacteria of the K-12 strain. Largely because of their efforts, bacteria became the primary source of information concerning the genetic control of biochemical processes in the cell.
Tatum returned to Stanford in 1948 and joined the staff of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (now Rockefeller University), New York City, in 1957.