François Viète
François Viète (born 1540, Fontenay-le-Comte, France—died December 13, 1603, Paris) was a mathematician who introduced the first systematic algebraic notation and contributed to the theory of equations.
Viète, a Huguenot sympathizer, solved a complex cipher of more than 500 characters used by King Philip II of Spain in his war to defend Roman Catholicism from the Huguenots. When Philip, assuming that the cipher could not be broken, discovered that the French were aware of his military plans, he complained to the pope that black magic was being employed against his country.
Viète’s Canon mathematicus seu ad triangula (1579; “Mathematical Laws Applied to Triangles”) is probably the first western European work dealing with a systematic development of methods—using all six trigonometric functions—for computing plane and spherical triangles. Viète has been called “the father of modern algebraic notation,” and his In artem analyticem isagoge (1591; “Introduction to the Analytical Arts”) closely resembles a modern elementary algebra text. His contribution to the theory of equations is De aequationum recognitione et emendatione (1615; “Concerning the Recognition and Emendation of Equations”), in which he presented methods for solving equations of second, third, and fourth degree. He knew the connection between the positive roots of an equation (which, in his time, were thought of as the only roots) and the coefficients of the different powers of the unknown quantity.