Greve Folke Bernadotte
Greve Folke Bernadotte (af Wisborg) (born Jan. 2, 1895, Stockholm, Swed.—died Sept. 17, 1948, Jerusalem) was a Swedish soldier, humanitarian, and diplomat who was assassinated while serving the United Nations (UN) as mediator between the Arabs and the Israelis.
Bernadotte, a nephew of King Gustav V of Sweden, was commissioned in the Swedish army in 1918. He became an official of the Boy Scout movement, and during World War II (1939–45) he headed the Swedish Red Cross, securing the exchange of many prisoners of war and being credited with saving some 20,000 inmates of German concentration camps. His excellent reputation among all the combatant nations in Europe during the war led the Nazi Party official Heinrich Himmler to employ him to transmit a fruitless offer (April 24, 1945) for Germany to surrender unconditionally to the United Kingdom and the United States but not to the Soviet Union.
Appointed mediator in Palestine by the UN Security Council on May 20, 1948, Bernadotte obtained the grudging acceptance by the Arab states and Israel of a UN cease-fire order, effective June 11. He soon made enemies by his proposal that Arab refugees be allowed to return to their homes in what had become the State of Israel. After a number of threats against his life, he and André-Pierre Serot, a French air force colonel and UN observer, were murdered by members of the Jewish extremist Stern Gang. Bernadotte’s efforts laid the foundation for both the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization, which monitors cease-fires and assists peacekeeping operations in the region, and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, which was created to provide relief services for Palestinians who lost their homes and means of livelihood following the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948.