Josef Breuer
- Died:
- June 20, 1925, Vienna (aged 83)
Josef Breuer (born January 15, 1842, Vienna, Austria—died June 20, 1925, Vienna) was an Austrian physician and physiologist who was acknowledged by Sigmund Freud and others as the principal forerunner of psychoanalysis because of his treatment of the writer and social worker Bertha Pappenheim.
Breuer found, in 1880, that he had relieved symptoms of what he diagnosed as “hysteria” in Pappenheim, whom he called Anna O. in his case study, after he had induced her to recall unpleasant past experiences under hypnosis. He concluded that neurotic symptoms result from unconscious processes and will disappear when these processes become conscious. The case of Anna O. introduced Freud to the cathartic method (the “talking cure”) that was pivotal in his later work.
Breuer described his methods and results to Freud and referred patients to him. With Freud he wrote Studien über Hysterie (1895), in which Breuer’s treatment of hysteria was described. Later disagreement on basic theories of therapy terminated their collaboration.

Breuer’s earlier work dealt with the respiratory cycle, and in 1868 he described the Hering-Breuer reflex involved in the sensory control of inhalations and exhalations in normal breathing. In 1873 he discovered the sensory function of the semicircular canals in the inner ear and their relation to positional sense or balance. He practiced medicine and was physician to many members of the Viennese medical faculty.