Josiah Royce
Josiah Royce (born Nov. 20, 1855, Grass Valley, Calif., U.S.—died Sept. 14, 1916, Cambridge, Mass.) was a versatile Idealist philosopher and teacher whose emphasis on individuality and will, rather than intellect, strongly influenced 20th-century philosophy in the United States.
As an engineering student at the University of California, Royce encountered the teachings of the geologist Joseph LeConte and the poet Edward Rowland Sill, and upon his graduation in 1875 he turned to philosophy. After studies in Germany, he returned to study in the United States under the philosophers William James and Charles Sanders Peirce at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. He taught English for four years at the University of California before beginning his teaching career at Harvard University, where James found him a position. He remained at Harvard for the rest of his career, eventually succeeding George Herbert Palmer as Alford professor (1914).
Considering himself an absolute Idealist and borrowing from the works of Hegel, Royce stressed the unity of human thought with the external world. His doctrines were centred on his view of absolute truth, and he declared that everyone must be in agreement with his assertion that such a truth exists, because even those skeptics who would deny this truth automatically affirm it. To deny absolute truth would be to affirm that some “truthful” statements are possible, and thus the skeptic is caught in a self-contradictory attitude toward the possible existence of “truth.”

Royce’s Idealism also extended to religion, the basis of which he conceived to be human loyalty. This “religion of loyalty” was supplemented by an ethical system that showed his emphasis on the human will. In his words, the highest good would be achieved by “the willing and practical and thoroughgoing devotion of a person to a cause.” Like the British Idealist F.H. Bradley, whose views resembled his own, Royce enhanced the reputation of European Idealists in his own country. Both men taught a monistic Idealism and helped raise the intellectual standards for philosophical treatment of human problems.
Royce’s contributions to psychology, social ethics, literary criticism, history, and metaphysics established him as a thinker of widely diverse talents. Among the numerous books and articles he wrote are The Religious Aspect of Philosophy (1885); The Spirit of Modern Philosophy (1892); Studies of Good and Evil (1898); The World and the Individual (Gifford Lectures, vol. I and II, 1900–01); and The Philosophy of Loyalty (1908). The Review of International Philosophy (1967), nos. 1 and 2, were dedicated to Royce and contain an extensive bibliography.