Klaus Kinski
- Original name:
- Nikolus Gunther Nakszynski
- Died:
- November 23, 1991, Lagunitas, California, U.S. (aged 65)
- Notable Works:
- “Ich bin so wild nach deinem Erdbeermund”
- Married To:
- Debora Caprioglio (1987–1989)
- Minhoi Loanic (1971–1979)
- Brigitte Ruth Tocki (1960–1971)
- Gislinde Kühbeck (1952–1955)
- Movies/Tv Shows (Acted In):
- "Grandi Cacciatori" (1990)
- "Paganini" (1989)
- "Vampire in Venice" (1988)
- "Cobra Verde" (1987)
- "Crawlspace" (1986)
- "Revenge of the Stolen Stars" (1986)
- "El caballero del dragón" (1985)
- "Kommando Leopard" (1985)
- "Creature" (1985)
- "The Secret Diary of Sigmund Freud" (1984)
- "The Hitchhiker" (1984)
- "The Little Drummer Girl" (1984)
- "Geheimcode Wildgänse" (1984)
- "Faerie Tale Theatre" (1984)
- "Android" (1983)
- "The Soldier" (1982)
- "Fitzcarraldo" (1982)
- "Buddy Buddy" (1981)
- "Venom" (1981)
- "Love & Money" (1981)
- "Les fruits de la passion" (1981)
- "Schizoid" (1980)
- "La femme enfant" (1980)
- "Haine" (1980)
- "Woyzeck" (1979)
- "Zoo zéro" (1979)
- "Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht" (1979)
- "La chanson de Roland" (1978)
- "Mort d'un pourri" (1977)
- "Madame Claude" (1977)
- "Mivtsa Yonatan" (1977)
- "Nuit d'or" (1976)
- "Jack the Ripper" (1976)
- "Das Netz" (1975)
- "Un genio, due compari, un pollo" (1975)
- "Lifespan" (1975)
- "Che botte ragazzi!" (1975)
- "L'important c'est d'aimer" (1975)
- "Le orme" (1975)
- "Chi ha rubato il tesoro dello scia?" (1974)
- "Eroi all'inferno" (1974)
- "Le amanti del mostro" (1974)
- "La mano che nutre la morte" (1974)
- "Katohi" (1973)
- "Il mio nome è Shangai Joe" (1973)
- "La mano spietata della legge" (1973)
- "La morte ha sorriso all'assassino" (1973)
- "Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes" (1972)
- "Il ritorno di Clint il solitario" (1972)
- "Giù la testa... hombre" (1971)
- "Black Killer" (1971)
- "L'occhio del ragno" (1971)
- "Il venditore di morte" (1971)
- "Nella stretta morsa del ragno" (1971)
- "La vendetta è un piatto che si serve freddo" (1971)
- "Prega il morto e ammazza il vivo" (1971)
- "La bestia uccide a sangue freddo" (1971)
- "Lo chiamavano King" (1971)
- "Per una bara piena di dollari" (1971)
- "La belva" (1970)
- "I Leopardi di Churchill" (1970)
- "Appuntamento col disonore" (1970)
- "La peau de torpedo" (1970)
- "Nachts, wenn Dracula erwacht" (1970)
- "E Dio disse a Caino..." (1970)
- "Mir hat es immer Spaß gemacht" (1970)
- "Sono Sartana, il vostro becchino" (1969)
- "Paroxismus" (1969)
- "Il dito nella piaga" (1969)
- "La legge dei gangsters" (1969)
- "A doppia faccia" (1969)
- "Marquis de Sade: Justine" (1969)
- "5 per l'inferno" (1969)
- "Due volte Giuda" (1968)
- "Il grande silenzio" (1968)
- "I bastardi" (1968)
- "A qualsiasi prezzo" (1968)
- "Se incontri Sartana prega per la tua morte" (1968)
- "Mister Zehn Prozent - Miezen und Moneten" (1968)
- "Coplan sauve sa peau" (1968)
- "Ognuno per sé" (1968)
- "L'uomo, l'orgoglio, la vendetta" (1967)
- "Ad ogni costo" (1967)
- "The Million Eyes of Sumuru" (1967)
- "Five Golden Dragons" (1967)
- "Die blaue Hand" (1967)
- "Quién sabe?" (1967)
- "Lasciapassare per l'inferno" (1966)
- "Das Geheimnis der gelben Mönche" (1966)
- "Gern hab' ich die Frauen gekillt" (1966)
- "Our Man in Marrakesh" (1966)
- "Circus of Fear" (1966)
- "Doctor Zhivago" (1965)
- "Per qualche dollaro in più" (1965)
- "Estambul 65" (1965)
- "The Dirty Game" (1965)
- "Neues vom Hexer" (1965)
- "The Pleasure Girls" (1965)
- "Das Verrätertor" (1964)
- "Das Geheimnis der chinesischen Nelke" (1964)
- "Winnetou - 2. Teil" (1964)
- "Die Gruft mit dem Rätselschloß" (1964)
- "Wartezimmer zum Jenseits" (1964)
- "Der letzte Ritt nach Santa Cruz" (1964)
- "Piccadilly null Uhr zwölf" (1963)
- "Das Geheimnis der schwarzen Witwe" (1963)
- "Kali Yug, la dea della vendetta" (1963)
- "Scotland Yard jagt Dr. Mabuse" (1963)
- "Das indische Tuch" (1963)
- "Der schwarze Abt" (1963)
- "Die schwarze Kobra" (1963)
- "Der Zinker" (1963)
- "Das Gasthaus an der Themse" (1962)
- "Die Tür mit den 7 Schlössern" (1962)
- "Der rote Rausch" (1962)
- "The Counterfeit Traitor" (1962)
- "Das Rätsel der roten Orchidee" (1962)
- "Die seltsame Gräfin" (1961)
- "Bankraub in der Rue Latour" (1961)
- "Das Geheimnis der gelben Narzissen" (1961)
- "Die toten Augen von London" (1961)
- "Der Rächer" (1960)
- "A Time to Love and a Time to Die" (1958)
- "Geliebte Corinna" (1956)
- "Waldwinter" (1956)
- "Hanussen" (1955)
- "Sarajevo" (1955)
- "Kinder, Mütter und ein General" (1955)
- "Ludwig II: Glanz und Ende eines Königs" (1955)
- "Morituri" (1948)
- Movies/Tv Shows (Directed):
- "Paganini" (1989)
- Movies/Tv Shows (Film Editor):
- "Paganini" (1989)
- Movies/Tv Shows (Writing/Creator):
- "Jesus Christus Erlöser" (2008)
- "Paganini" (1989)
- On the Web:
- ABC listen - Portrayal of 'mad genius' Klaus Kinski returns to Sydney Fringe (Feb. 25, 2025)
Klaus Kinski (born October 18, 1926, Zoppot, Germany [now Sopot, Poland]—died November 23, 1991, Lagunitas, California, U.S.) was an intense, eccentric German actor of Polish descent who had a stage and film career of more than 40 years and who was best known for his riveting performances in the films of Werner Herzog.
Kinski’s family moved from Poland to Germany during the Great Depression of the 1930s. During World War II, at age 16, he enlisted in the German army and was captured by British forces on his second day of combat. For the remainder of the war he was a prisoner in a British camp, where he gained his first acting experience in shows staged by fellow prisoners.
After the war Kinski acted on the stage and in minor roles in numerous low-budget German films. He slowly built a reputation as an effective screen villain and gained notoriety for offscreen eccentricity. He attracted some international attention with small roles in Doctor Zhivago (1965) and in spaghetti westerns, including Sergio Leone’s Per qualche dollaro in più (1965; For a Few Dollars More). Not until his appearance in Werner Herzog’s Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes (1972; Aguirre, the Wrath of God), however, did he achieve wide recognition. In that movie, filmed under arduous conditions in South American rainforests, Kinski delivered a bravura performance that typified his screen image: that of an obsessive, terrifying, and emotionally unpredictable antihero. Other Herzog films in which he starred included Woyzeck (1979), Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht (1979; Nosferatu the Vampyre), and Fitzcarraldo (1982). He also appeared prominently in The Little Drummer Girl (1984).

Kinski had a self-cultivated image of hedonism and excess, which was reflected in his autobiography Ich bin so wild nach deinem Erdbeermund (1975; “I Am So Wild About Your Strawberry Mouth”; rereleased in 1988 as Kinski Uncut). He disdained his chosen profession, once saying, “I wish I’d never been an actor. I’d rather have been a streetwalker, selling my body, than selling my tears and my laughter, my grief and my joy.” Numerous offers from prestigious directors—whom Kinski categorized as “cretins” or “scum”—were refused; he worked only when the money suited him.