Li Shangyin
Li Shangyin (born 813, Henei [now Qinyang], Henan province, China—died 858, Zhengzhou, Henan province) was a Chinese poet remembered for his elegance and obscurity.
A member of a family of minor officials, Li Shangyin pursued a generally unsuccessful career as a government official, composing poetry during and between his various posts. Until the second half of the 20th century little of his poetry had been studied seriously by Western critics, despite the fact that Chinese scholars since the Song dynasty (960–1279) had paid close attention to his work.
To Chinese critics he has been one of the most controversial, difficult, and complex of poets because of his use of exotic imagery, abstruse allusions, political allegory, and personal satire involving both historical and contemporary events and figures. Those qualities also make his poetry difficult to translate. His works reflect the social and political conditions of his time, and, although few of his contemporaries recognized his genius, he greatly influenced early Song dynasty poets. One hundred of his poems were translated and collected in James J.Y. Liu’s The Poetry of Li Shang-yin (1969).