Richard Quinney
Richard Quinney (born May 16, 1934, Elkhorn, Wisconsin, U.S.) is an American philosopher and criminologist known for his critical philosophical approach to criminal justice research. Quinney followed a Marxist approach in citing social inequities as the root of crime. Criminal behaviour, he asserted, is a natural occurrence in a society that favours the wealthy over the poor and the powerful over the weak.
Quinney received a Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Wisconsin in 1962. After teaching at various universities, he served as professor of sociology at Northern Illinois University from 1983 until his retirement in 1997.
His early work examined the different official treatment of white-collar criminals and street criminals (see white-collar crime). He generalized this concern into a theory of conflict that attempted to explain why some acts are defined and prosecuted as criminal whereas others are not. In The Social Reality of Crime (1970), for example, he concluded that public conceptions of crime are constructed in the political arena to serve political purposes. Taking a neo-Marxist approach in Critique of Legal Order (1974), he introduced a theory of legal order intended to demystify the false consciousness that he maintained was created by official reality. He built on this early work in the book Class, State, and Crime (1977), in which he argued that crime is a function of society’s structure, that the law is created by those in power to protect and serve their interests (as opposed to the interests of the broader public), and that the criminal justice system is an agent of oppression designed to perpetuate the status quo.

Later in his career Quinney examined the construction of moral and peaceful societies. His book Providence: The Reconstruction of Social and Moral Order (1980) moved beyond neo-Marxism to religious and spiritual approaches later described as “prophetic.” By the late 1980s Quinney had begun to focus on peacemaking—he was particularly influenced by Buddhist views on suffering and the end of suffering—and to advocate nonviolent responses to crime. Some of his later work, which included photographic essays and autobiographical reflections, examined the ethnography of everyday life with a view toward “being at home in the world.” In 1984 Quinney received the Edwin H. Sutherland Award from the American Society of Criminology for contributions to theory and research.