Sherman Minton
- Died:
- April 9, 1965, New Albany, Indiana (aged 74)
Sherman Minton (born October 20, 1890, near Georgetown, Indiana, U.S.—died April 9, 1965, New Albany, Indiana) was an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States (1949–56).
Minton was the son of John Evan Minton, a farmer, and Emma Lyvers Minton. He attended Indiana University, where he graduated in 1915 at the top of his class in the law college. The following year he earned a master of laws degree at Yale Law School, where he helped to organize the university’s legal aid society. He then moved to New Albany, Indiana, where he began private practice. His legal practice was interrupted, however, by the onset of World War I, in which Minton served in the infantry and held the rank of captain. After his tour of duty ended, Minton returned to his legal practice and became active in Democratic Party politics.
Minton’s political career began in 1933, when he was appointed counsel to the Indiana Public Service Commission, in which capacity he was responsible for reducing the state’s utility rates. The following year he won a seat in the U.S. Senate, where he quickly ascended through the ranks, holding both party whip and assistant majority leader positions. Most fortuitously, he served alongside fellow Democrat and future U.S. president Harry S. Truman.

In the Senate (1935–41) Minton was a champion of Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal programs, including his court-reorganization (“court-packing”) plan. Defeated for reelection in 1940, Minton was appointed special assistant to Roosevelt and was responsible for coordinating military agencies, and he lobbied on behalf of Truman’s proposal to establish a Senate committee on national defense. In May 1941 Minton was appointed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, on which he served until Truman nominated him to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court left by the death of Wiley B. Rutledge in 1949; despite the opposition by some conservative senators, because of Minton’s support of the New Deal and the court-packing plan, he was confirmed (48–16) by the Senate on October 4, 1949.
Minton’s judicial record was one of conventional conservatism. Along with Truman’s other judicial appointees (Fred Vinson, Tom C. Clark, and Harold Burton), Minton was instrumental in curtailing the liberalization of speech and criminal codes that characterized the Roosevelt court. In cases involving free-speech claims or alleged subversives, for example, he was particularly supportive of legislative regulatory authority. In an important opinion in United States v. Rabinowitz (1950), Minton reversed a lower-court ruling that search warrants must be procured when “practicable,” declaring that the Fourth Amendment prohibited only “unreasonable searches.” In 1951 he sided with the majority in denying speech rights to American communists (Dennis v. United States) and upheld Truman’s loyalty program in the case of Joint Anti-fascist Refugee Committee v. McGrath, which validated the federal government’s requirement (1947) that federal employees pledge loyalty to the U.S. government and the establishment of loyalty boards to investigate potential disloyalty. The following year he wrote the opinion of the court in Adler v. Board of Education of the City of New York, which permitted the termination of public school teachers based upon disloyalty to the country and membership in certain organizations.
Despite his conservative orientation, he was firmly committed to civil rights. This was apparent in the spate of restrictive covenant cases that entered the Vinson court in the late 1940s and in other civil rights cases that came before the court under Chief Justice Earl Warren. Minton was a strong supporter, for example, of the court’s decision to invalidate racial segregation in public education in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka. In failing health, he retired from the court in October 1956.