Steve Wozniak
- In full:
- Stephen Gary Wozniak
- Born:
- August 11, 1950, San Jose, California, U.S. (age 74)
- Founder:
- Apple Inc.
- Subjects Of Study:
- microcomputer
- phreaking
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Steve Wozniak (born August 11, 1950, San Jose, California, U.S.) is an American electronics engineer who cofounded, with Steve Jobs, Apple Computer and designed the Apple II, the first commercially successful personal computer.
Wozniak—or “Woz,” as he is commonly known—is the son of an electrical engineer for the Lockheed Missiles and Space Company in Sunnyvale, California, in what would become known as Silicon Valley. A precocious but undisciplined student with a gift for mathematics and an interest in electronics, he attended the University of Colorado at Boulder for one year (1968–69) before dropping out. After returning to California, Wozniak attended a local community college and then the University of California, Berkeley. In 1971 Wozniak designed the “Blue Box,” a device for phreaking (hacking into a phone network without paying for long-distance calls) that he and Jobs, a student at his old high school whom he met about this time, began selling to other students. During the early 1970s Wozniak worked at several small electronics firms in the San Francisco Bay area before obtaining a position with the Hewlett-Packard Company (HP) in 1975, by which time he had formally dropped out of Berkeley.
Wozniak became involved with the Homebrew Computer Club, a San Francisco Bay area group centered on the Altair 8800 microcomputer do-it-yourself kit, which was based on one of the world’s first microprocessors, the Intel Corporation 8080, released in 1975. While working as an engineering intern at HP, Wozniak designed his own microcomputer in 1976 using the new microprocessor, but the company was not interested in developing his design. Jobs, who was also a Homebrew member, showed so much enthusiasm for Wozniak’s design that they decided to work together, forming their own company, Apple Computer. Their initial capital came from selling Jobs’s automobile and Wozniak’s programmable calculator, and they set up production in the Jobs family garage to build microcomputer circuit boards.

Sales of the kit were promising, so they decided to produce a finished product, the Apple II. Completed in 1977, the new model included a built-in keyboard and support for a color monitor. The Apple II, which combined Wozniak’s advanced engineering with Jobs’s aesthetic sense, was the first personal computer to appeal beyond hobbyist circles. When the company went public in 1980, its market value exceeded $1 billion, which at the time was the fastest rise to that milestone in corporate history. Wozniak’s stock in the company made him an instant multimillionaire.
During these years Wozniak designed new hardware components, such as the 3.5-inch floppy disk drive for the Apple II, and various components of the Apple operating system and its software applications. This work ended in 1981 when he crashed his small airplane, leaving him with temporary traumatic amnesia (inability to form new long-term memories). Wozniak was forced to go on a sabbatical, but he returned to Berkeley, under the pseudonym “Rocky Clark,” to finish the computer science and electrical engineering courses needed to earn those degrees. Although he dropped out again, he was eventually given credit for his work at Apple, and the school awarded him a bachelor of science degree in electrical engineering in 1987.
Wozniak returned to Apple in 1982, though he resisted efforts to involve him in management. He retired as an active employee in 1985, immediately after being awarded, along with Jobs, a National Medal of Technology by U.S. Pres. Ronald Reagan. Wozniak spent the ensuing decades engaged in philanthropic causes, especially involving the education of children, and in volunteer work teaching computer enrichment classes to preteens. In 2006 Wozniak published his autobiography, iWoz: Computer Geek to Cult Icon: How I Invented the Personal Computer, Co-Founded Apple, and Had Fun Doing It.
Although Wozniak was semiretired after leaving Apple, he kept up with the computing world by funding various business ventures and occasionally serving as an adviser or board member for different companies. In 2009 he became the chief scientist at Fusion-Io, an American company that produces high-capacity, solid-state storage devices. Wozniak was serving on the company’s board of directors when he decided to become a full-time employee. After Fusion-Io was sold to SanDisk in 2014, Wozniak left the company to become chief scientist at Primary Data, which was involved in data virtualization; that business shut down in 2018. In 2020 he cofounded Efforce, which allows companies to fund energy efficiency projects through investing in a cryptocurrency token using blockchain technology.