Tansu Çiller
- Title / Office:
- prime minister (1993-1996), Turkey
- parliament (1991-1993), Turkey
- Political Affiliation:
- True Path Party
Tansu Çiller (born 1946, Istanbul, Turkey) is a Turkish economist and politician, who was Turkey’s first female prime minister (1993–96).
Çiller was born to an affluent family in Istanbul. After graduating from the University of the Bosporus with a degree in economics, she continued her studies in the United States, where she earned graduate degrees from the Universities of New Hampshire and Connecticut and attended Yale University. Çiller returned to Turkey to teach and, at age 36, became the nation’s youngest full professor. Together with her husband, she amassed some $60 million through real estate speculation.
Çiller joined the ruling True Path Party (Doğru Yol Partisi; DYP) in 1990. The following year she was elected to parliament and was named economics minister in Prime Minister Süleyman Demirel’s coalition government. Although she advocated greater privatization of state-owned firms and a balanced budget, it was during her tenure as economics minister that government debt soared and the country suffered a downgrading of its international credit rating. Despite these woes, Çiller was selected to replace Demirel as prime minister in 1993. As she assumed power, Çiller faced increased Kurdish unrest in southeastern Turkey and the pressing need to reduce government spending.

In the December 1995 general election, Necmettin Erbakan led the Welfare (Refah) Party, an Islamist party, to victory. When forming a coalition proved difficult for Erbakan, however, Çiller’s DYP and the Motherland (Anavatan) Party agreed to cooperate in an attempt to block the Islamists from power. Çiller and her rival, Motherland leader Mesut Yılmaz, agreed to rotate the premiership, with Yılmaz serving first. The coalition soon fell apart, however, and Erbakan was given another opportunity. This time it was the Welfare Party and Çiller’s DYP that agreed to a partnership in which Çiller and Erbakan would alternate as prime minister. Although the Turkish national legislature confirmed the unlikely coalition, fears that the Welfare Party was attempting to Islamicize the country soon led the military to force Erbakan to resign, and it was Yılmaz, not Çiller, who was chosen to form a new coalition. Çiller was reelected as the DYP’s leader in 1999, but, after the party fared poorly in the 2002 elections, she stepped down.