Totila (died 552) was an Ostrogoth king who recovered most of central and southern Italy, which had been conquered by the Eastern Roman Empire in 540.
A relative of Theudis, king of the Visigoths, Totila was chosen king by Gothic chiefs in the autumn of 541 after King Witigis had been carried off prisoner to Constantinople. Totila proved himself both as a general and as a political leader, winning the support of the lower classes by freeing slaves and distributing land to the peasants. By 543, fighting on land and sea, he had retaken the bulk of the lost territory. Rome held out, and Totila appealed fruitlessly to the Senate there in a letter reminding them of the loyalty of the Romans to his predecessor, Theodoric. In the spring of 544 the Eastern Roman emperor Justinian I sent his general Belisarius to Italy to counterattack; but Totila, at the head of an army of Goths and Italians, captured Rome in 546 after a yearlong siege. When Totila left to fight the Byzantines in Lucania, south of Naples, Belisarius retook Rome and rebuilt its fortifications.
Shortly after Belisarius was recalled in 549, Totila recaptured Rome, going on to complete the reconquest of Italy and Sicily. By the end of 550 the Goths had occupied all but Ravenna and a few coastal towns. The following year Justinian sent his general Narses to Italy in a march around the Adriatic to approach Ravenna from the north. In the Battle of Taginae, a decisive engagement during the summer of 552, in the Apennines near present-day Fabriano, the Gothic army was defeated, and Totila was mortally wounded.