Wael Ghonim
Wael Ghonim (born December 23, 1980, Cairo, Egypt) is an Egyptian democracy activist and computer engineer who was one of the organizers of a social media campaign that helped spur mass demonstrations in 2011 in Egypt, forcing Pres. Hosni Mubarak from power. (See Egypt Uprising of 2011.) After being held in secret detention by Egyptian security forces for 11 days during the protests, Ghonim came to be seen as a symbol of Egypt’s youth- and technology-driven democracy movement.
Ghonim was born into a middle-class family in Cairo. He graduated from the University of Cairo in 2004 with a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering and earned a master’s degree in finance from the American University in Cairo in 2007. In 2010 he moved to Dubai, United Arab Emirates, to take a job as the head of marketing for the Middle East and North Africa for the search engine company Google.
In June 2010 Ghonim anonymously created a page titled “We Are All Khaled Said” on the social media site Facebook to publicize the death of Khaled Said, a 28-year-old Egyptian man beaten to death by police. The page garnered hundreds of thousands of members, becoming an online forum for the discussion of police brutality in Egypt.

After a popular uprising in Tunisia forced Pres. Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali from power in January 2011 (see Jasmine Revolution), Ghonim and several other Internet democracy activists posted messages to their sites calling for a similar action in Egypt. Ghonim, then in Dubai, anonymously communicated with protest leaders, giving advice on organizing demonstrations and mobilizing large groups.
On January 28, after arriving in Cairo to take part in demonstrations, Ghonim was arrested by plainclothes Egyptian police and held in secret detention for 11 days. Ghonim’s sudden disappearance brought international media attention to his role as an organizer of the protests. Hours after being released, Ghonim gave an emotional interview on a privately owned Egyptian television channel in which he confirmed that he was the administrator of the “We Are All Khaled Said” page. He praised the Egyptian protesters’ courage and wept when he was shown pictures of protesters who had been killed. The interview is often credited with having reenergized the Egyptian protest movement after a week of violent reprisals by the government. On February 8 Ghonim received an enthusiastic welcome from protesters when he went to Tahrir Square, the focal point of the protests, to join the demonstrations.
Although Ghonim emerged as a symbol and an unofficial leader for the youth pro-democracy movement in Egypt, he stated that he had no ambition to become a political leader or pursue government office in Egypt.
In 2012 he published a memoir, Revolution 2.0: The Power of the People Is Greater than the People in Power.