Warren Truss
- In full:
- Warren Errol Truss
- Political Affiliation:
- the Nationals
Warren Truss (born October 8, 1948, Kingaroy, Queensland, Australia) is an Australian politician who served as leader of the Nationals (formerly [1982–2006] National Party of Australia) from 2007 to 2016. He also held various cabinet positions in Liberal-National coalition governments.
Truss, who was from a farming family in the Kumbia district, an agricultural region near Kingaroy, became a grain farmer and entered public life through activity in agricultural and regional-promotion organizations. He belonged to the Queensland Graingrowers Association State Council (1979–90), and he served as deputy chair of Bulk Grains Queensland (1985–90) and chair of the Sugar Coast Burnett Regional Tourism Board (1985–89). He was also a member of the Kingaroy Shire Council from 1976 to 1990 and served as mayor for seven years during that period.
Truss was elected to the seat for Wide Bay, Queens., in the federal House of Representatives in 1990. He distinguished himself in parliament and rose through the party ranks, serving stints on the Speaker’s Panel (1994–95, 1996–97), whose members are appointed to assist and, when necessary, to substitute for the speaker of the House of Representatives. From the late 1990s, during the National Party’s long tenure as the junior partner in a coalition government with the Liberal Party, Truss served in Howard’s cabinet in an unbroken chain of ministerial appointments. He began as minister for customs and consumer affairs (1997–98), then served as minister of community services (1998–99), minister of agriculture, fisheries, and forestry (1999–2005), minister of transport and regional services (2005–06), and minister of trade (2006–07). After the Australian Labor Party’s victory in the 2007 federal elections, the Nationals were out of government for the first time in decades. Their leader, Mark Vaile, resigned, and Truss subsequently was elected his successor. In the run-up to the August 2010 federal elections, Truss declared his party’s rejection of the carbon emissions trading scheme that had contributed to the downfall of Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and had led to the installation of Julia Gillard as Labor leader in June 2010.

The 2010 election turned out to be the closest in decades, with no clear winner emerging in the weeks following the polling. Labor was eventually able to establish a coalition government with the support of independent and Green members of Parliament. Three years later, in the September 2013 general election, the Liberal-National coalition was returned to power, with Truss named minister for infrastructure and transport under the new prime minister, Liberal Party head Tony Abbott, as well as deputy prime minister. In 2016 Truss retired from politics, stepping down from his various posts.