William Of Saint-amour
- French:
- Guillaume De Saint-amour
- Born:
- c. 1200,, Saint-Amour, Kingdom of Arles
- Died:
- September 1272, Saint-Amour
William Of Saint-amour (born c. 1200, Saint-Amour, Kingdom of Arles—died September 1272, Saint-Amour) was a French philosopher and theologian who led the opposition at the University of Paris to the 13th-century rise of the newly formed mendicant religious orders.
A protégé of the Count of Savoy, who supported his doctoral studies in canon law and theology at the University of Paris, William was chosen dean of the theology masters c. 1250. During that period he wrote a significant commentary on the logical treatises De Analytica priora et posteriora (“On the Prior and Posterior Analytics”) of Aristotle.
Disdaining the mendicant religious orders, William initiated the attack on their representatives and theological scholars at the university, notably the Franciscan Bonaventure and the Dominican Thomas Aquinas. At William’s instigation, the university suspended the Dominican masters in the winter of 1254. He also obtained from Pope Innocent IV in July 1254 a decree limiting each religious order to one university master’s chair. In November of the same year, Pope Innocent rescinded certain privileges of the orders to minister the sacraments.

The following month, however, the new pope, Alexander IV, abrogated these restrictions and ordered the masters at Paris to receive again the Dominicans into the university. William resisted these rulings and disputed the very legitimacy of the mendicant orders by relating their purpose to the apocalyptic teaching of Joachim of Fiore. Intending to taint the mendicants by association, William attacked Joachim’s prophecy of a new theocratic age that would dispense with political and ecclesiastical structures. In 1255 William wrote the Liber de Antichristo et ejusdem ministris (“The Book of Antichrist and His Ministers”), in which he attempted to show that the Dominicans were the forerunners of the catastrophic age of Antichrist. After an investigation of the issue, Pope Alexander in June 1256 suspended William from all academic and ecclesiastical offices and sought his expulsion from France. Following a review of his case by the French bishops, which elicited a promise to correct in his writings whatever was contrary to church teaching, William, in September 1256, obtained the collaboration of other Parisian masters in a denunciation of the mendicant orders, the De periculis novissimorum temporum (“On the Dangers of Recent Times”). When this work also was condemned by Pope Alexander in October 1256, William presented a defense early in 1257 but was judged again to be in error and was exiled from France. On an appeal to Pope Clement IV, William was permitted to return to France late in 1266 and retired to his home at Saint-Amour. Although forbidden by the pope to continue the controversy with the religious orders, William maintained correspondence with his colleagues at Paris, who subsequently revived the polemic. The complete works of William of Saint-Amour were published in 1632.