Yan Yuan
- Wade-Giles romanization:
- Yen Yüan
- Literary name:
- Yan Xijai
- Died:
- Sept. 30, 1704, Zhili province (aged 69)
- Subjects Of Study:
- Confucianism
Yan Yuan (born April 27, 1635, Zhili [now Hubei] province, China—died Sept. 30, 1704, Zhili province) was the Chinese founder of a pragmatic empirical school of Confucianism opposed to the speculative neo-Confucian philosophy that had dominated China since the 11th century.
Yan’s father was abducted into the Manchu army when Yan was three. He never returned, and the family lived in poverty. As a young man, Yan became interested in Confucianism and studied to pass his civil-service examinations, which would have given him entrance into the bureaucracy. But after failing the examination several times he decided to devote himself to teaching.
His revolt against neo-Confucian metaphysics stemmed initially from his aversion to the newly established Manchu rule of the Qing dynasty (1644–1911/12). He believed that the Manchu conquest was made possible by faulty government and education, which had rendered China easy prey to alien conquerors. He urged that people return to the study of the ancient Confucian Classics instead of the neo-Confucian interpretations of them. He advocated implementation of the ancient “well-field” plan of the Confucian sage Mencius, in which eight families lived on a patch of land that was equally divided into nine squares. Each family would cultivate its own piece of land, and all eight families would jointly cultivate the remaining central square for the government. Yan felt that this system, by providing for an equal distribution of the land, would ensure a livelihood for all. Similarly he urged a revival of compulsory military service to make each citizen a competent defender of his country. He believed that useful knowledge and education come only from practical experience: as long as scholars buried themselves in books and in abstruse discourse, shunning physical activity and despising soldiery, China would continue to be weak.

Yan put his educational theory into practice when he became director of the Zhangnan Academy in 1696. His curriculum included mathematics, geography, military tactics and strategy, archery, and wrestling, in addition to history and the Confucian Classics. Yan’s writings, together with those of his most eminent student, Li Gong (1659–1733), became the major works of a new philosophical movement known as the Yan-Li school. A short-lived society to study and disseminate its doctrines was formed in 1920 in Beijing. Yan’s major works were reprinted in the late 19th century as the Yan-Li yishu (“Works of Yan and Li”).