Alois Wilhelm Podhajsky
Director, Spanish Riding School of Vienna, 1939–64. Winner, Olympic Bronze Medal for Dressage (equestrian event), 1936. Author of The Complete Training of Horse and Rider and others.
Primary Contributions (1)

Horse, (Equus caballus), a hoofed herbivorous mammal of the family Equidae. It comprises a single species, Equus caballus, whose numerous varieties are called breeds. Before the advent of mechanized vehicles, the horse was widely used as a draft animal, and riding on horseback was one of the chief…
Publications (2)

The Riding Teacher; A Basic Guide to Correct Methods of Classical Instruction (1973)
First published in 1973 and reprinted many times, The Riding Teacher is an invaluable aid for all instructors and also for riders teaching themselves. Colonel Podhajsky examines in depth the psychology of riding and the relationship between teacher, pupil and horse. He includes chapters on the basic theory of riding; dressage; systematic riding instruction; overcoming difficulties and setbacks and participating in competitions. Now considered a classic of equestrian literature, The Riding Teacher...

Complete Training of Horse and Rider: In the Principles of Classical Horsemanship (January 1967)
For the first time, Colonel Podhajsky has set forth explicitly and in practical, instructive fashion the step-by-step methods of training both horse and rider that are used at the School and that are the applicable foundations of all good horsemanship, for their purpose is to develop the natural abilities of the horse and to make riding a graceful, pleasurable experience.