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Ama Mazama

Website : SAGE Publications


Associate Professor and Graduate Director, Department of African American Studies, Temple University. Author of Une Introduction au Créole Guadeloupéen and others and coeditor of SAGE Publications's Encyclopedia of African Religion (2008) and others. Her contributions to SAGE's encyclopedia formed the basis of her contributions to Britannica.

Primary Contributions (7)
Gwobonanj, in Vodou, the immortal aspect of a human spirit, or the human life force. According to Vodou theology, a human being is composed of three parts: a physical body, a tibo-nanj (one’s personality and conscience), and a gwobonanj, which is of divine origin. At the time of death, the…
Publications (1)
Encyclopedia of African Religion
Encyclopedia of African Religion (November 2008)
"Numerous titles focusing on particular beliefs in Africa exist, including Marcel Griaule′s Conversations with Ogotemmeli, but this one presents an unparallelled exploration of a multitude of cultures and experiences.It is both a gateway to deeper exploration and a penetrating resource on its own. This is bound to become the definitive scholarly resource on African religions." ― Library Journal, Starred Review"Overall, because of its singular focus, reliability,...